About the author

Tim Moss

Tim Moss has supported over 100 expeditions across all seven continents. He has climbed new mountains, crossed a desert on foot and recently cycled 13,000 miles around the world. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society London and a Guinness World Record Holder. He aims to encourage more people to live adventurously. Read more...


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    Into the Remote Places by Ian Hibbell has got to be included in the Adventure Cycles Stories. It must be be one of the very best. A wonderful account of some of the immense challenges he set himself.

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    What no Anne Mustoe?

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      Tim Moss

      Not read any Anne Mustoe. Thanks for the tip.

      (Here’s a link for everyone else to Anne Mustoe on Amazon)

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    Dave Conroy

    My book – Tired of I.T! – How I learned to stop worrying and love the bicycle is getting reasonable reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. File it in the section of completely unexpected storyline – along with some pretty intimate details of what leads someone to take a step back from life and commit to a round the world cycling journey. Amazon right now is playing games with pricing, and offering the colour copy (there is a black and white missing 18 pages, and also digital copies) for less than what it costs to print and also less than the Black and White edition. http://www.amazon.com/Tired-I-T-learned-worrying-bicycle/dp/0991899105/?tag=tiofit01-20 – Alternatively you can buy the digital copy from Itunes store, Nook Bookstore, Amazon, or my own site http://www.tiredofit.ca/book/


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    Good list – I’ve read most of them and enjoyed them all! Here are a couple for anyone who likes photography as well as cycling:

    ‘Foto Velo’ by Heidi & Steven – a really nice collection of images from a bike tour from Hungary to China (http://fotovelo.weebly.com/)

    ‘On Tour’ by Brad Wiggins / Scott Mitchell – obviously not cycle touring related, but I’m sure some of your readers will enjoy the stunning black and white images from the 2010 Tour de France taken by Scott, with diary-style extracts from Mr Wiggins (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tour-Bradley-Wiggins/dp/140913136X)

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      Tim Moss

      Thanks for that Ryan (who is far too modest to promote his own book of photography from 18 months in the saddle: http://worldcyclingtour.org/book/)

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    Bill Gottlin

    Hi Tim, enjoy your blog and have your e-book as well. Here are a few excellent bicycle travel books:

    From the “old days”:

    Around the World on a Bicycle, Thomas Stevens. The first ever, in 1884, with an “Ordinary” high wheeler and a pistol.

    Lost Cyclist, by Frank Lenz. Captures the flavor of the early bicycle adventurers of the 1890’s.

    Around the World On Two Wheels, Peter Zheutlin. The story of Annie “Londonderry” Kopchovsky, first female around- the-world bicyclist in 1894, who carried many shocking secrets with her.

    Cold Beer and Crocodiles, Roff Smith, who circumnavigated Australia. Well written.

    The Long Ride, Lloyd Sumner. American who circled the globe for 4 years, starting with $200 in his pocket.

    Moods of Future Joys and Thunder and Sunshine, Alaistair Humphreys. Really great reads.

    Cycling Home from Siberia, Rob Lilwell. After reading about Rob in Alaistair Humpreys’ books, I was pleased to find that he had written his own book. And what a tremendous story, pedaling through New Guinea and the mountain passes of Tibet and Afghanistan. Who does these things??!

    And a few amazing journeys that included bicyling:

    Ultimate High, Goren Kropp. Highly inspirational tale of the Swedish adventurer who cycled to Mt. Everest, climbed it, got on his bike and cycled back home to Sweden.

    Pedaling to Hawaii, Steve Smith. His account of Expedition 360 with Jason Lewis, from England to Hawaii.

    The Expedition, Part 1, Jason Lewis. His account of Expedition 360, parts 2 and 3 forthcoming.

    Beyond the Horizon, Colin Angus. The first, hotly disputed, circumnavigation of the planet by human power. Also a great adventure book, full of physical ordeals, feuds, and triumphs.

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    Anna Hughes

    “It’s all about the bike” by Robert Penn is a great read. A bit geeky but then I’m a bit of a geek!

    I also really loved “Pedalling to Hawaii” by Stevie Smith (Summersdale) – it’s a terrific read about his journey across Europe, the Atlantic and the USA on a pedallo and bike. Amazing. It’s less about the cycling and more about his personal journey, but is really really well written. (Unfortunately I found one of your suggestions, “Cycling home from Siberia”, very poorly written.)

    I’m soon to publish my own book about my tour round the coast of Britain so hope I’ll make your list :)

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      That’s interesting – it’s been a few years since I read it, but I remember Cycling Home from Siberia as being a strong contender for my favourite cycle touring book!

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        Anna Hughes

        It seems to be quite an opinion-splitter! The reviews on Amazon are very mixed. I just didn’t find his writing style engaging at all, which was such a disappointment because the trip he writes could make such a wonderful story!

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    I loved Cycling Home from Siberia!

    Good call on Pedalling to Hawaii, that’s a great read.

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      Anna Hughes

      I retract all negative comments about Rob Lilwall’s book! Sorry Rob, now I’m a published author myself I realise how pointless comments like that are – only making myself look mean and making the author feel rubbish about the work they’ve created. Who cares if I don’t like it? Many others do, and that’s all that matters!

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    Camp America

    Its all about interest. I love cycling but cannot ride :( I will prefer to buy some good guide books.

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    Giles Cooper

    The Carbon Cycle by Kate Rawles is an excellent and gripping read on both riding and Climate Change.

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      Tim Moss

      Thanks Giles. Kate gave a talk at the Cycle Touring Festival last year and it went down a storm: http://www.cycletouringfestival.co.uk

  10. 10

    Giles Cooper

    Lambada Country by Giles Whittell

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