Tag: Tim’s Books
My Next Book Will Be Published On…
Starting in the summer of 2013, Laura and I spent 16 months cycling around the world. We travelled 13,000 miles through 27 countries and 4 continents, met dozens of fascinating characters and saw all manner of things. It felt like we had enough experiences in that year and a half to fill a life time.…
How Much Does it Cost to Cycle Round the World?
[divide] I first published this article three years ago with an extract from my book How To Cycle Around The World. I asked nine cyclists who had done big cycling trips how much it cost them. Today I am updating the article with data from one hundred and thirty one long distance cycle journeys. A vast improvement.…
New eBooks Launched
I’m very pleased to announce that I have launched a series of new ebooks today including: How To Cross A Desert How To Cycle Around The World How To Climb An Unclimbed Mountain How To Get To The North Pole [one_half] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [/one_half_last] They are based on chapters from my paperback ‘How to Get…
Last 20 copies of my book available before Christmas
I have about 20 copies of my book – How To Get To The North Pole (and other iconic adventures) – still available. I think they could make a good Christmas present… If you want to order one, I’ll sign it and happily add a personal message if desired. I’m home on December 14th and…
Why I Wrote a Book
I frequently receive emails asking for help with expeditions. It’s what I started my website for. However, after the first year of fielding such emails, I realised that people were often asking the same questions. The most popular of which was some permutation of “How do I pay for my trip?“. As a result, I…
How to Get to the North Pole – In Pictures
My book is called How to Get to the North Pole: and Other Iconic Adventures. It has seven chapters, each about a different iconic adventure, and each opening with a wonderful illustration by the talented Mr Jim Shannon and a few statistics such as the difficulty, cost and glory potential. The text is broken up with…
How To: Get to the South Pole
THIS ARTICLE: Details how you can complete an expedition to the South Pole. It gives a brief history of Antarctic exploration, explains the four different South Poles and how you find the ‘coast’ of Antarctic. It explores different options for getting there from the South Pole Race and Ice Marathon to Last Degree, skiing and…
How To: Sail the Seven Seas
THIS ARTICLE: Explains how you can take a boat and explore the world’s oceans. There is a brief history of sailing followed by an explanation of the options available including sailing with a company, on a tall ship, as a crew member, in a round-the-world race or rally, and cruising independently. The likely difficulties are detailed,…
How To: Cross a Desert
This guide tells you how to complete a desert crossing. It examines different methods such as on foot, by car, with camels or dragging a cart. Difficulties, like dehydration, sun stroke and spiders, snakes and scorpions, are examined and costs are broken down, before first steps are given to get you started. This article is…
Comparison of Book Publishing & Self Publish Options
Now that I am an official “published author“, I often get asked about publishing and self-publishing options. I am a long way from being any kind of expert on the matter but I did do a little research before I found my publisher and thought that it might be useful to share what I found. Below…
How To: Row an Ocean
THIS ARTICLE: Will explain how you can row across an ocean. It details different approaches such as entering a race, joining a team or going solo, and explains the different routes available. There is information about the difficulties you will face, the costs of undertaking such a project and the first steps to get you…
Where do you read yours?
Thanks to Scotty who has just sent in this photo of himself reading my book by the pool in the tropical warmth of North Queensland, Australia. Anyone else read the book anywhere interesting?