Tag: Everyday Adventures
Chase the Horizon – Everyday Adventure #6
A friend of mine told me about a couple who, once a year, would walk to the horizon. They would look out their window, pick a spot on the line in the distance and set about getting there. I am going to steal that idea for this month’s Everyday Adventure. The horizon is the visible…
Catch the Worm – Everyday Adventure #5
It has been too long since I last challenged you to an Everyday Adventure. I hope you have been squeezing the juice out of life these past months but I fear you may have let it slip you by. What have the last few weeks held for you? If the answer is some permutation of…
Embrace the Elements – Everyday Adventure #4
Rain water trickles down my sleeve, inside the back of my glove and sends a chill up my forearm. From my experience in the outdoors, wet gloves means cold hands and that’s a bad thing. Pause to assess the situation. I’m on my bike and it’s raining hard but I’m only a couple of miles…
Commute with Gusto! – Everyday Adventure #3
Enjoying the pungent aroma of a fellow Tube rider’s sweaty armpit thrust across your face. Sat in static traffic so long that the radio starts repeating songs you heard earlier. Watching your breath as you shiver waiting for a bus that should have been here, ooh, a good half hour ago now. Commuting is a…
Tell me, where did you sleep last night?
I’m quite excited about my plan for this evening’s Everyday Adventure. I wish I could tell you what it is but I can’t. Not just just yet, anyway. If I pull it off then I promise to add it in the comments box tomorrow morning. But anyway, this isn’t about me. It’s about you… How…
Camp in Your Living Room – Everyday Adventure #2
Did you ever build a fort in your living room and sleep in it when you were a kid? Camp in your back garden and get scared by the sound of the local cat outside / noise of the wind / shadow of your dad coming out to check on you? How about a sleepover…
How was your lunch break?
The end of 2010’s first month is almost upon us and it is time to reflect… on your lunch breaks. At the start of the month I set you the challenge of breaking free from your workplace and making the most of your lunch hour. On Monday we’ll have a new Everyday Adventure idea but…
Lunchtime Jailbreak – Everyday Adventure #1
If work is a prison then let the lunch hour be your escape. Like your job, hate your job, love it or just tolerate it, that one hour slot at lunch is your chance to break free. Your mission this month, should you choose to accept it, is to capitalise on your lunchbreak, escape your…
How To Have An Adventure Every Day – Guest Blog: Laura Tomlinson
This is the original introduction to the 2010 Everyday Adventures campaign. [divide] How to Have an Adventure Every Day By Laura Tomlinson* What defines an adventure? Is it swimming an ocean, walking across a continent, cycling through inhospitable mountain passes? Or can it be at the mundane level of the everyday? After several adventurous years, I…
Your New Year’s Resolution (courtesy of The Next Challenge)
9am January 1st 2010 and I am giving you your New Year’s Resolution: Have. An. Adventure. Each month of 2010, these pages will bring you a new idea for an Everyday Adventure. You won’t have to climb a mountain or even break a sweat (unless you want to). There will be no need to take…