Tag: Lists
23 Ideas
I keep lists. Some examples include: Tim’s Big Ideas – My Mile and the rickshaw thing lurked there for a while and it includes other great ideas like “Cycle to the South Pole!” and “Tow a car somewhere!” Books/songs/films – There is always so much great new stuff out there that I can rarely…
Some things to cheer you up on Blue Monday
I’ve just been told that today is supposed to be the most depressing one of the year. What a depressing thing to say! Here are some things that I hope will help ensure your day is as great as any other: A video of a cute blond girl whistling you to happiness A fresh take…
10 things I’ve started doing since going “freelance”
#1 – Coming up with ridiculous job titles Challenge Consultant, Freelance Adventurer, Founder of the Next Challenge. They’ve all gone through my head or, worse still, on forms or come out in verbal form to those unfortunate enough to ask what my profession is. – #2 – Eating a lot of junk Cheese sandwiches at…
All I want for Christmas…
Funding for my South Pole project Paying clients Non-paying clients Track shoes (so that I am able…) To run a 4-minute mile (or, rather, to have fun trying and learn something from the process) The strength to keep on doing what I’m doing The humility to not take myself too seriously when people laugh at…
8 interesting people I’ve met recently
On more than one occasion in recent weeks, I have had to pinch myself to check that this is real. Emails, phone calls and encounters that just keep blowing me off my feet. I’ve been so lucky to meet so many impressive people recently that I thought I’d compile a list: – 1. Phil Packer…
18 great things that happened on my cycle to work this morning
A bus driver took the time to wind down his window and thank me for stopping to let him pull out (and this, the day after I wrote about Bicycle Karma!) I ended up naked but for my socks in the lobby toilets of one of Europe’s largest law firms I watched the sun rise…
8 places I have received satellite phone calls from an expedition
1. Shepherd’s Bush bus station at 4am having fallen asleep on a night bus after a particularly big night out in Clapham 2. The guest bedroom of my friend’s house at an inappropriate hour (twice) 3. Various bus lanes and side streets around the capital whilst straddling my bike (these occasionally end up with me…
6 projects that I’m working on at the moment
People keep asking me what I do and how I fill my days. The truth is, I’m never quite sure. But here are a few of the projects I’m working on at the moment (and another great excuse to write “1 more blog post that starts with a number”): – 1. Rickshaw Britain Early next…
10 things I learned at the Explore Conference last weekend
I spent last weekend at my favourite event of the year – the RGS Explore Conference – at which I was very lucky to be a speaker and a panellist. I was also privileged to both ask and be asked for advice on a number of occasions. I find the event quite hard work because,…
5 tips on fundraising – RGS Explore Conference Special
This afternoon I gave at talk about fundraising at the RGS Explore Conference. If you were there then this post will give you some more information, some of the links and resources I mentioned and a copy of the slides. If you weren’t, well, you get all of the above without having to endure my…
9 reasons to Tweet on expedition (and 7 more not to)
Reasons to Tweet: More people get to share your experiences Friends and family can track your progress When it sounds like you’re struggling, people send messages of support It provides another record of your trip (like it does here) It can help with loneliness Sometimes it motivates me to do things (a pathetic admission but,…
7 things that I like about working home alone and 7 that I don’t
Things I like: I can work my own hours; be at my desk 5 minutes after getting up, take an early lunch, work late at night, or time it around a squash match I can sing, dance, drum the desk, talk to myself and fart as much as I want There are far fewer distractions…