Stories from winners of The Next Challenge Grant and my own adventures…
The story below is ironic/self-parodying/not serious! I hoped that was clear but some of the comments suggested otherwise so I have added this introduction. The purpose of the piece was to pillory the self-satisfied tone that “adventurers” occasionally adopt (I’m…
Turkish hospitality
We spent forty nine nights in Turkey, and used our tent on just four of them. Many of these nights indoors were impromptu acts of kindness, when we knocked on a random door at the end of a day of…
We are in the running for a €3,000 award
In addition to maintaining this website, whilst we have been cycling across Europe and now Asia, we have kept a blog for the outdoor equipment company Light My Fire. Back in January, Laura and I were shortlisted for the Light…
Photos of Turkey (the country, not the festive meat)
Big Cycle Part 10: Turkey #2, a set on Flickr. We have been holed up in a small hostel near the Black Sea in Georgia for Christmas, with the huge mass of Turkey finally behind us. It took us 50…
Join the Database of Long Distance Cycling Journeys
We are very excited to announce the launch of our latest project, a database of long distance cycling journeys. Visit the Database of Long Distance Cycling Journeys This database has two broad purposes: 1) A resource for those planning their…
Statistics from cycling across Europe
Total distance cycled: 2748.4 miles (4,423.1km) Daily average (whole trip): 29.8 miles (47.9km) Daily average (when cycling): 39.8 miles (64.0km) “Whole trip” includes rest days. Countries visited: 10 Number of days: 92 of which cycling: 69 of…
I hate mornings (but not for the reason you’re thinking)
There’s no hiding from it. I was getting antsy. It had gone midday and we hadn’t even left the house. I hate the faff in the mornings. I hate that it takes us 90 minutes at best to get from…
What electronics we’re carrying on our ride
This is an article for anyone who is planning a cycle tour and/or a geek. As you will either know or be able to tell by the end of this article, I very much enjoy expeditions and cycle tours in…
Berghaus Everyday Adventurers
We have a number of equipment sponsors for this trip (and sponsored insurance), one of whom is Berghaus. They’ve kindly given us waterproofs and other clothing for the trip. They have also featured us as “Everyday Adventurers” – a series…
How much does it cost to cycle across Europe?
We are often asked on this trip how much it costs to cycle around the world. Are we really rich? Is a company paying for us? How can we afford to leave our jobs and set off on what is…
Quit job, cycle to Asia – Latest video
You can watch our latest video here – a very short montage of clips from the ride so far from London to Istanbul. We’ve entered the film into a small competition run by the company that makes the software we…
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