Category: Living Adventurously

  • 9 reasons to Tweet on expedition (and 7 more not to)

    Reasons to Tweet: More people get to share your experiences Friends and family can track your progress When it sounds like you’re struggling, people send messages of support It provides another record of your trip (like it does here) It can help with loneliness Sometimes it motivates me to do things (a pathetic admission but,…

  • Say ‘No!’ to negativity – #2 It ain’t all bad

    What annoys you on a daily basis? Traffic? Missing the bus/train by seconds? Flat tyre? Burning your toast? What a pain in the ass! So what do you do? Clench your fists. Grit your teeth. Curse under your breath (or maybe just curse). Let out an angry sigh of frustration. Sometimes things are just a…

  • You are my sunshine – Six of the Best (October 09)

    Here are some blog entries from other peoples’ websites that I have enjoyed in the last month and think that you might too: How to work out what to do with your life – Rob Symington, Esc the City A day in the life of an author / adventurer / motivational speaker / big kid…

  • Say ‘No!’ to negativity – #1 Two empirical reasons to smile more

    With absolutely no sense of irony, I am starting a small campaign on these pages: Say ‘No!’ to negativity. If I believe in anything then it is that life is here to be enjoyed and that means avoiding the negative and embracing the positive. In 2008, my New Year’s Resolution was to be more positive.…

  • What would you do if you had a million pounds?

    That’s not a rhetorical question. I really would like to know: what would you do if you had a million pounds? The emphasis in that sentence, for those of you that missed it, was on the do rather than the million. Luxury cruises don’t float my boat, I have no drive to buy a fast…

  • Una mas por favor – Tweet of the week, October 2009

    Here are some of my favourite Tweets from the last month (yeah, yeah – I know it says ‘Tweet of the Week‘ but it just sounds better)… Evolution. Four feet, grunting. Two feet, talking. One foot, four wheels, tweeting, BANG! Two feet, two hands flying [10:48 PM Sep 15th – MartianInkPot] On train to speak…

  • Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival: Atlas Ice

    Scenes from “Atlas Ice” from Andrew Stokes-Rees on Vimeo. My friend Andy has just had a piece accepted by the Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival. His film, “Atlas Ice” shows two climbs on snow and ice in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. You can see some selected scenes in the window above or on Vimeo. The festival…

  • Women can’t run marathons – Part III

    This women-running-marathons-thing was only supposed to be a brief entry but when I started writing about it I found myself feeling quite strongly about the implications so here is a third instalment: Raise your hand if you have ever completed a triathlon. It’s probably not many of you and that’s even considering the cohort of…

  • What is this website about?

    Hopping between boulders on a sunny day in the arctic, I was extolling the virtues of my website to a friend when she asked me: “What is it about?” “Well, it’s… err… challanges… um… expeditions…” …was about all I could come up with. What is this blog about? I spent a lot of time on…

  • Women can’t run marathons – Part II

    This women-running-marathons-thing was only supposed to be a brief entry but when I started writing about it I found myself feeling quite strongly about the implications so here is a second instalment: In the TV show Daredevils last week, an “expert” made the following statement: “A marathon, in istelf, is an endurance feat which most…

  • Next Challenge News, September 2009

    Each month I write a short newsletter. You can read this month’s below, past issues here and subscribe by emailing me: [issuu viewmode=presentation backgroundcolor=FFFFFF showflipbtn=true autoflip=true autofliptime=6000 documentid=091009095334-b8e49128f5d14fa4b42421f1fdeb6bba docname=0909ncn username=NextChallenge loadinginfotext=Next%20Challenge%20News%2C%20September%202009 width=420 height=594 unit=px]

  • Six of the best

    At the end of each month, I will be listing six blog entries from other peoples’ websites that I have enjoyed and think that you might too: Welcome – Michael Halls-Moore 8 Tiny Ways in which I’m improving my life – Alastair Humphreys The power of 20% – Paul Deegan Finally: The end of food journals?…