Category: Living Adventurously

  • F.O.M.O.

    Today, a guest post from my wife on the life-long condition of FOMO from which she, and I by association, suffer. [divide] F.O.M.O. By Laura Moss I have a fairly serious condition, unknown to the medical profession and undocumented by science. It can produce agitation, anxiety, aching muscles and exhaustion. It frequently leads to lack…

  • How To: Cross a Desert

    This guide tells you how to complete a desert crossing. It examines different methods such as on foot, by car, with camels or dragging a cart. Difficulties, like dehydration, sun stroke and spiders, snakes and scorpions, are examined and costs are broken down, before first steps are given to get you started. This article is…

  • Parkour


    I saw this Parkour or free running video on someone else’s site a couple of years ago and loved it so thought I’d share it again with you. Don’t you just wish you could do half the stuff they do? (Video above not working? Watch in on YouTube).

  • Do More or Do Less? A Modern Conundrum

    One of my qualities that I value most is my motivation. I like the fact that I am driven to do things like maintain this website and do all the stuff that fills its pages. As such, I frequently try to cram as much as possible into my days. Some examples include: Having a ticksheet on…

  • Warm Welcome to a New Tube Runner

    My friend Mike drew my attention yesterday to a website I’d not come across before: Harry’s Tube Runners. It transpires that a chap called Steven Whyley took it upon himself to run some Tube Lines to raise money for Cancer Research after following the inspiring story of young Harry Moseley. Steven was initially just going…

  • Comparison of Book Publishing & Self Publish Options

    Now that I am an official “published author“, I often get asked about publishing and self-publishing options. I am a long way from being any kind of expert on the matter but I did do a little research before I found my publisher and thought that it might be useful to share what I found. Below…

  • Happy New Year (2012 Review)

    I just wanted to write a quick post to say thank you to everyone who voted for mine and Laura’s video in the Kukri Adventure Scholarship competition. At last check, we had just over 200 votes which probably put is in about 9th out of around 30 videos. The competition isn’t judged on votes alone…

  • If You Think You’re Beaten, You Are

    If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don’t. If you’d like to win, but think you can’t It’s almost a cinch you won’t If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost, For out in the world we find Success begins with a fellow’s will; It’s all in the…

  • Dressing up an expedition as a charitable act is just plain wrong

    Last week I posted a Twitter update with a link to an article with the tag line: “Dressing up an expedition as a charitable act is just plain wrong“. It opens with this: The next time some would-be adventurer tells me he’s doing an expedition to raise money for a cause, I’m finally going to…

  • Book Review: The Long Haul by Alex Hibbert

    The Long Haul is Alex Hibbert’s account of the longest unsupported polar journey of all time*. I had known about Hibbert’s expedition for several years. In fact, I was working in the Royal Geographical Society when he found himself in the peculiar position of having a fully funded expedition in place but no team-mate, and…

  • 1000 Miles Across the Empty Quarter Desert

    Today, two friends of mine will be flying to Oman to undertake an almighty expedition. Starting in Salalah and finishing in the UAE, Leon McCarron and Alastair Humphreys will drag a huge cart laden with a couple of hundred litres of water, 1000 miles across the Empty Quarter desert. I remember Al telling me about…

  • Where do you read yours?

    Thanks to Scotty who has just sent in this photo of himself reading my book by the pool in the tropical warmth of North Queensland, Australia. Anyone else read the book anywhere interesting?