And Now Comes the Bit Where We Cycle Across New Zealand

Cycling through vineyards

It has been five weeks since we last did a day of cycling – our longest break by a factor of about five – but tomorrow we set off once more.

We’ve enjoyed a lovely rest with my brother and sister-in-law in Melbourne. Staying in the same place and sleeping in the same bed has been bliss. Not having to find a place to sleep each night, pitch-and-strike our tent, inflate and deflate our mattresses. Cooking dinner with more than one hob and eating it without having to sit on the floor.

But now, after a good rest and some good feeding, it is time to return to the saddle. We have spent the last couple of days staying with friends just north of Wellington and now have 12 days to cycle to Auckland, some 400 miles. It’s not long but then we hadn’t expected to do any pedalling in New Zealand so even two weeks here is a bonus.

Our flight to America is booked for the evening of October 1st and, due to the wonders of the international date line, we’ll arrive in San Francisco on the morning of the same day, ready for our final stretch and our biggest country of the trip.

First, however, is New Zealand’s North Island and it’s hills. For those interested, our route will go through Marton, up the east side of Lake Taupo, through Taupo itself and Hamilton before reaching Auckland. We’ve managed to shed yet more stuff in Melbourne, including my ukulele, so have saved a couple of pounds off the weight of our bikes and have been given some nice new tops made with a bamboo-merino blend to replace our torn and tattered originals.

All that’s left is to load up our bikes once more and see if our legs still work…


5 responses to “And Now Comes the Bit Where We Cycle Across New Zealand”

  1. Have a wonderful ride through my home country guys! I have just cycled from Ben Nevis to Mt Blanc last month and after my experience on NZ roads I hereby conclude your cycle through New Zealand should be more pleasant due to the fact you can enjoy a nice road shoulder to cycle on which seem non-existent in the UK and France:) safe cycling!

    1. Thanks Grant. We’re looking forward to it. The Ben to Le Blanc sounds great. Not surprised you struggled on the British roads but that’s a shame about France, they have some of the best cycling we’ve ever found.

  2. lorraine thompson avatar
    lorraine thompson

    Great to meet you both and help you along your way. Not envying your ride today, Saturday, that wind is just cruel. At least you may not be so wet?? Hope you make Taihape tonight and don’t find snow on the desert road tomorrow! Take care, Lorraine.

    1. Hey Lorraine, thanks so much for having us last week. Still thinking about those meatballs!

      The weather wasn’t actually too bad once we got going and a kind lady let us sleep in her garage (complete with kettle, heater etc). We did wake up to a couple of inches of snow on our tent this morning though and the Desert Road was closed until mid-afternoon but we managed to hitch across before dark.

  3. Cath Bruzzone avatar
    Cath Bruzzone

    Laura – so sorry for silence re your event in May 2015. I AM interested and I WILL give you some feedback as soon as I have a micro-second. We’re going to see Lucy mid-October in HK and then go through S China to Vietnam border and down through Vietnam, so planning that trip amongst other things. We won’t be on a bike, sadly, although maybe we can hire one at some point. Enjoy your ride in NZ – snow?!? – and I hope I’m not too late to reply to your email? Cath x

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