This week I am launching an expedition grant and I want you to be a part of it.
I am inviting 100 people to donate £2 towards the grant. I will match the funds with £200 of my own money and together we will help fund someone’s adventure.
At midday on Wednesday, I will launch a crowdfunding campaign. If you would like to be a part of the grant then you just need to donate £2 – the price of a bus ticket, a pint or a cheap supermarket sandwich.
You will be part of a small group making someone else’s expedition possible. You can live vicariously through their adventure which you helped get off the ground. And I’ll put you on an exclusive mailing list to get unique updates about the grant’s progress and the winner’s expedition.
I don’t want any bigger donations (in case you were offering). I want this grant to be made by a large number of very small contributions (I’ve made my thoughts on crowdfunding expeditions clear).
The grant will be to help someone without heaps of experience to go on an expedition. Applications open tomorrow. 24 hours later the crowdfunding campaign will begin.
In the meantime, put down that nasty prawn sandwich and pocket the change ready for Wednesday. Your £2 coin is destined for bigger things.
(For the sake of clarity, I will be giving away £200 of my own money regardless of the crowdfunding campaign’s outcome).
Crowdfunding Campaign Now Love
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