Tag: Cycling

  • Desert Snow by Helen Lloyd – Book Review

    Snow in the desert is a rare thing and so are solo female cyclists in Africa. Such is the premise for Helen Lloyd’s first book and it is not disingenuous in the least. To describe cycling alone across the Sahara, around west Africa and through the Congo as uncommon would probably be understatement. And understatement…

  • A million miles of cycling in numbers

    A couple of weeks ago we launched Long Distance Cycle Journeys (LDCJ), an online resource of bicycle journeys over 6,000 miles (10,000km). We’ve had a huge response already (see below) and are pleased to be able to launch the accompanying Summary Stats page: everything from how far cycle tourists travel in an average month, to what type of…

  • Turkish hospitality

    We spent forty nine nights in Turkey, and used our tent on just four of them. Many of these nights indoors were impromptu acts of kindness, when we knocked on a random door at the end of a day of pedalling and were invited in to share a meal and have a warm bed for…

  • Join the Database of Long Distance Cycling Journeys

    We are very excited to announce the launch of our latest project, a database of long distance cycling journeys. Visit the Database of Long Distance Cycling Journeys This database has two broad purposes: 1) A resource for those planning their own cycle tour. 2) A record of long distance cycling journeys. We started by asking…

  • Ten things I know about long distance cycle touring

    1) It’s not that difficult, and gets easier Before we left the UK, many people asked what training we were doing. Although we cycled most days in and around London, during the final few weeks before departure, training largely consisted of eating and drinking too much, watching DVDs and driving up and down the M6…

  • If Cycling Around The World Is So Good Then How Come I Just Want To Watch DVDs?

    A big cycling trip is something of which I, and we, have dreamed for many years. Ever since spending three weeks pedalling through Scandinavia alone in 2009, before that listening to Alastair Humphreys talk about his four years of bike-based wanderings after work at the RGS, and even in the middle of our last big…

  • A Holiday

    And so a holiday comes to an end. It started at a palace in Hampton Court with a crowd of well wishers and continued with a smaller crowd of cyclists. Through the Surrey Hills we cycled, struggling under the newly heavy burden of a life in four panniers until met by friends and family with…

  • Commuter Cyclist to Adventure Tourer

    As a kid, I was always scared of cycling. I knew how to ride a bike but I could never pluck up the courage to cycle the two or three miles to my school. But I moved to London to study at UCL and soon found myself the proud owner of a £5 Ebay road…

  • Reading List for Cycle Tourists

    Following the popularity of the recent Best Books for Wild Swimmers article, I thought I’d start a discussion around the best books about cycling. Being an adventure website and as I’m about to set off for a 12-month cycle to Australia, the focus is on cycle touring books, but all recommendations are welcome. Here are…

  • We Are Cycling to Australia

    In six weeks’ time, Laura and I will be starting a cycle ride to Australia. I’ve created a new page on the site where you can read about our plans and follow us. Please do have a look at it, leave a message and tell your friends about it… [button color=”blue” link=”http://thenextchallenge.org/portfolio/bigcycle/” size=”big” font=”arial” fontw=”bold”…

  • Danny MacAskill’s Inspired Bicycles

    This is an oldie but a goodie (it’s had 30 million views on YouTube). From what I can tell, Danny MacAskill‘s since gone on to be quite a successful sponsored cyclist and made many more glitzier videos (see below) but it’s this one that I always come back to. Inspired is the word. Danny MacAskill’s Way Back…

  • Easter Cycling Video

    We took our GoPro video camera with us on the cycle trip over Easter. We’ll be taking it around the world with us too. We won’t be attempting to make a proper documentary about our cycle, just capturing some video to upload to the website for fun. Key to this is ease. The filming is already dead…