Tag: Exercise
Running the Wadi Bih Relay
Last weekend I competed in the 19th annual Wadi Bih relay here in Oman. It was probably the best event I have ever entered. I was in a team of five with Laura and three people from the local Muscat Road Runners club. We had 72km to cover between us and a jeep for support. Arriving the night…
Freedom (or: Why cycling to work is the answer to all of your worries)
There is no feeling quite like the freedom of standing atop an isolated mountain, nothing between you and the horizon but snow, rock and more mountains. Or perhaps pedalling purposefully along a straight stretch of tarmac, running flat across an empty plane with the sun lowering slowly ahead. And peering from the porch of your…
Why Run the Tube? / If Not With Words
When I tell people that my girlfriend and I have been spending many of the last eight months’ precious weekends running tens of miles along transport lines through Greater London, they invariably ask “Why?”. If not with words then with silence. Well, I don’t have an answer that is both meaningful and succinct but I…
One Small Piece of Advice… (Start Running)
I frequently get emails from people asking for help with their expeditions – it’s the reason I started this website and the reason there’s a big green button at the top right of your screen offering as much. More often than not, such conversations peter out and I never hear from the people again (with…
Some stats from Running the Tube
Earlier this year, my girlfriend Laura and I completed our challenge to run the length of every Tube line in London. Here are some numbers from the event: Lines Run: 12 Duration of Challenge: 7 months Average cost of run: 75p? Runs started outside the M25 and off the A-Z: 1 (Central Line) Physio visits:…
Shouldering the Burden
The first touch of the chilled water felt good against my skin. In England, outdoor pools are heated but here in Oman, they’re cooled. The warm up was 200-metres of front crawl. I hadn’t really done serious lengths for over a year now. Not since I first hurt my shoulder. I’ve been avoiding hard swimming…
What is Trail Rekking?
A cross between trail running and trekking, according to my pal Rob Cousins. Here’s a piece he wrote recently for Adventure Travel Magazine about his experiences with a small backpack and a fresh pair of socks somewhere near Annapurna. As you run more and more, your training becomes a little more adventurous. You’ll go a…
How To: Run an Ultra Marathon
SYNOPSIS: This article is designed to take the amateur runner from doing the occasional half hour jog after work or once-a-year half marathon, to running their first Ultra Marathon. It is not a rigid, day-by-day training plan (because I don’t think you need one) and it probably won’t help you run one quickly (because I…
‘Running the Tube’ BBC News Feature
This is the BBC News piece featuring Laura and I on our final Tube run. Apologies for the awful quality.
How To: Use Supermarket Food for Sports Nutrition
SYNOPSIS: This article details simple, cheap and natural alternatives to isotonic sports drinks, energy bars and energy gels. The purpose and weaknesses of each engineered product are analysed and substitutes are offered with an explanation of why they are as good or better. Enter any race these days and you’ll invariably be handed a sports…
‘Running the Tube’ on TV, midday tomorrow
Laura and I completed our attempt to run the length of every Tube line in London last night. Myself as Napoleon and Laura as a Banker, we ran between Waterloo and Bank with a throng of British Lung Foundation supporters and friends dressed variously as Shepherd’s Bush, High Barnet, Angel and Kew Gardens. I’ll write…
Celebrate the end of Running the Tube
Last Saturday, Laura and I joyfully staggered into Aldgate Tube Station at the end of the Metropolitan Line and the end of an adventure. At 24 miles long, it was our last endurance Tube run leaving only a wee 3 mile jog around the Waterloo & City Line to finish after work next Thursday, September…