Tag: Lists

  • Planning a River Expedition by Mark Kalch

    Humans have always been drawn to rivers writes Mark Kalch. Journeying by river, in my mind, is the pre-eminent way to explore our amazing planet. It allows us a glimpse into regions impossible to access practicably by any other means. Because rivers begin their journey high among the mountains and flow through continents all the way…

  • Top 10 Culinary Experiences in Oman

    One of my favourite things about living in Oman was the food and the experiences associated with eating and drinking there. From high class hotel restaurants (OK, only once) to grim-looking roadside cafes where you can get a table full of curry dishes for the price of a packaged sandwich in the UK. Below are…

  • 10 Tips For Your First Walking Expedition

    THIS ARTICLE: Is written by Andy Ward who walked 3,300 miles from London to Asia in 2004 with only two days’ planning. Andy is an adventurer, photographer and professional expedition manager currently working on the Scott2012 Antarctic expedition. Today he shares with us his top tips for anyone planning a long walk… 1.  Don’t over plan…

  • Top 10 Expedition Highs

    Lying beneath the stars in the Inylchek Valley, my first night out on my first big expedition Cresting the final hill after 18 months’ preparation and 14 hours of cycling, swimming and running, to see a huge crowd gathered outside Thom’s house to mark our arrival Reassembling my bike outside Stansted airport Arrivals to finish the…

  • 7 Things I Learned from Lewis Pugh’s Talk Last Week

    Having recently become a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, I am now able attend their great selection of members’ event. One recent such event was a talk by Lewis Gordon Pugh about his swim at the North Pole. It was an entertaining presentation about a great feat but it also set my mind racing…

  • 10 Tips For Your First Skateboarding Expedition

    In 2006 Dave Cornthwaite became the first person to skateboard the length of Britain. His 900-mile journey from John O’Groats to Lands End was a warm-up for a much more ambitious skate, a 3618 mile crossing of Australia from Perth to Brisbane, which at the time was the longest journey ever travelled by skateboard. Here…

  • Top 10 Adventurous Things To Do In Oman

    Oman, I have learned, is a beautiful country. Laura and I lived there for about six months and, acutely aware of our finite stay, we tried to make the most of our time there. If you’re planning a trip to Oman be it for travel, tourism, sightseeing or an expedition, then below are some of…

  • Top 10 Expedition Lows

    Some of my favourite expedition memories are from the lowest points. Here is a list written with the rosy glow of hindsight: Sleeping bolt upright on a 9-inch platform cut into a 45-degree snow slope at 5,000m in the Tian Shan (pictured) The roar of an encroaching sheet of rain whilst camped in a non-waterproof…

  • 10 Tips for Making a Living out of Expeditions

    Ever wondered if you could make a career out of expeditions, using adventure to generate money to pay the bills and fund the next trip? It’s an aspiration held by many but I think there’s still a slight air of mystery about how you could actually go about it. Thankfully we have some advice from…

  • 10 Things I’m Looking Forward to in the UK

    This morning I land in the UK. I’ve had a great time in Oman these last few months and there’s a lot about the country that I will miss but I am also excited about moving back to London. Here are ten reasons: The return of the bicycle as my primary means of transport British…

  • Dishdashas and Dates – 10 things I’ll miss about Oman

    Tonight I fly back to the UK after five wonderful months in Oman. It makes me sad to think of all the things that I will miss about this country. Here are ten of them: Dishdashas – Worn by almost every Omani in Muscat, 90% of them white and invariably combined with a taqiyah Wadis…

  • 10 Tips For Your First Paddling Expedition

    Open canoes, kayaks, rafts, stand-up paddle boards… if you fancy a go at an expedition on any of these then below is some advice from fellow Adventurer’s Blogging Chain member Mark Kalch. I normally write intros for the guests providing 10 Tips but Mark’s done a pretty good one for me… “Mark Kalch’s 7 rivers,…