Tag: Morals & Values

  • Expeditions Are No Better Than Offices

    It is so easy to set up a website, call yourself an adventurer and then proceed to tell everyone that they are wasting their lives sat in offices when they could be out on expeditions all the time instead. Such a crude point is patronising in the extreme and an over simplified idealism at best.…

  • Why Do Things The Hard Way?

    Expeditions in the twenty first century are rarely necessary. In fact, the vast majority of those conducted last century weren’t born of an actual need to accomplish anything either. Not like the old days where crossing a mountain range or sea might have been the only way to survive. In that sense, it seems fair…

  • Training for Life

    It’s 7pm. It’s dark and I’m performing my 17th hill rep on the steep street of a quiet housing estate. It hurts. My lungs burn, my legs ache and nausea rises from the pit of my stomach each time I reach the top of the hill. I am alone. No one is making me do this…

  • If You Aim to Motivate then Stop Exaggerating

    Aside from supporting charities, the most common purpose given for undertaking expeditions, like travelling to a pole or climbing a big mountain, are to inspire and motivate other people. These are good and valid aims in most instances. I myself am forever inspired by the endeavours I read about and they provide constant motivation for…

  • Leaving Oman

    In three weeks’ time I will be back in the UK after five glorious months in Oman. I will be very sad to leave. It is a truly beautiful country with some of the most stunning scenery I have seen anywhere on my travels so far. I would recommend it highly to anyone with an…

  • Freedom (or: Why cycling to work is the answer to all of your worries)

    There is no feeling quite like the freedom of standing atop an isolated mountain, nothing between you and the horizon but snow, rock and more mountains. Or perhaps pedalling purposefully along a straight stretch of tarmac, running flat across an empty plane with the sun lowering slowly ahead. And peering from the porch of your…

  • 2010 Review – Best of the Blog

    I’ve written somewhere between 150 and 200 posts on this website over the course of the year. I started off with a high output (four posts a week) but have tried latterly to focus on quality rather than quantity; producing articles that will still be interesting or useful this time next year and beyond. I…

  • 2010 Review – Top 10 Blog Posts

    In no particular order, here are my favourite ten blog posts from this year. What do you think? What would you add? Someday, all this will be a memory* – Revolution Cycle 10 things we believe – Escape the City The Art of Artlessness: On Living Simply and Naturally* – Zen Habits Alain de Botton…

  • I Didn’t Win

    Just a quick one to let you know that I wasn’t one of the winners in the British Airways ‘Great Britons’ competition last week. I was shortlisted to win flights for my Olympics-themed South Pole expedition but evidently did not get enough votes. Part of me felt silly for scrabbling around so desperately to gather…

  • The Next Challenge is changing

    You may have noticed a few changes on my website. I’ve had a bit of a re-design that will, hopefully, make it more use friendly and look a little better. Thanks for bearing with me while I tinker. But I am also trying to make changes that extend beyond the aesthetic. I first came up…

  • An irrational hatred of traffic lights

    On the A3 near Kingston-upon-Thames, there is a pedestrian footbridge that crosses the road. When following the cycle lane down from Tibbet’s Corner, if I want to turn right up Kingston Hill I used to have two choices: charge across three lanes of A-road when the coast was clear, or carry my bike over the…

  • How can they riot?

    There’s a protestShe saidAnd I asked her what forJustice?Peace?Same as before? Um, noShe repliedA smile turned to frownNot in this placeNot in this town One side wrongOne side rightIt’s ever so easyWhen there’s blackAnd there’s white How can they riot?How can they hate?Why do they shoutInstead of debate? Stupid questionShe saidWhy march the same day?I…