2019 Next Challenge Grant Open for Applications

The Next Challenge Grant is once again open for applications and donations.

The deadline for applications is 31 December 2018 and grants will be awarded in January 2019.

Click here to apply

Click here to donate

The 2019 Next Challenge Grant

Hajo Späthe - Canadian Rockies IronMan

This is the fifth of year of the grant. I started it in 2015 by pledging to give away all of the money my website made from advertising. It was only £200 but it was doubled by 100 donations of £2 from members of the public. That figure was then trebled by donations from other adventurers and we now award over £1,000 each year.

Who is the grant for?

The grant is primarily for small adventures rather than epic expeditions.

It is aimed at people who have not done much adventure stuff before. You don’t need expedition experience to apply.

Past trips have included walking 25 miles to work, cycling the Berlin Wall and running the Isle of Man ‘TT’ route, as well as running up every Munro in Scotland, walking across South Africa barefoot and walking the length of Japan’s tsunami-affected coastline.

If you are reading this thinking that you’re not the sort of person that does things like this, then the grant is aimed at you.

If you are reading this thinking that you’d never win, then apply. People say that every year and, every year, lots of them win.

Here are a few quotes along those lines from past winners:

“I was over the moon when I found out that I had won the grant, having never won anything this exciting in my life!” – Mikey Bartley

“I applied on the off-chance and am thrilled that there are people out there who like and support the idea.” – Carmen Braun

“I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m so happy and excited to have been selected.” – Amanda McDonnell

“We’ve never done a challenge like this before and the support means a huge amount.” – Bex Band

“Super surprised to hear from you!! We were happy enough just making the shortlist!! It’s really cool that you’re supporting us on our adventure.” – Tom and Susannah

“Thank you so so so so so much for this! I don’t really know how best to describe how delighted we are – except to tell you that upon reading this post-breakfast we felt it was an appropriate occasion for a little morning dance!!” – Emma Holmes

The application form is quick and easy, completed online and submitted instantly. The only thing I ask is that you read the criteria before diving in, to make sure you have the best chance of succeeding.

Click here to apply

Tina Page - Running the 3 Peaks

Who supports the grant?

As mentioned above, as well as £200 from me, the grant is supported by generous contributions from the following adventurers and organisations:

All of the above donate to the grant every year, receiving nothing in return except, presumably, the joy of knowing that they’ve helped some other people have adventures.

Cycling a beach cruiser around Costa Rica

How you can help

You can help by donating to the grant or helping me promote it.

I invite members of the public to donate £3, or any other amount, towards the fund. For the price of a forgettable sandwich/pint, you can help someone have an unforgettable adventure.

You can read more about donating here.

All of the organisation and promotion of the grant is done by me. There is no team of people working on it or organisation backing it. It’s just me.

As such, your help in spreading the word would be much appreciated. Tweet it, share it on Facebook, tell your friends.

I only ask because the grant is aimed at those who don’t normally do adventure stuff, so it needs to reach beyond the (four) people that regularly read my blog. If you could help with that, that would be great.

Guru and family - Walking in the Western Ghats

(All photos are by and of past Next Challenge Grant winners)

The Next Challenge Grant is open for applications and donations until 31 December 2018.

Click here to apply

Click here to donate