Category: Living Adventurously

  • Is it Dangerous to Encourage People to Have Adventures?

    An article appeared in The Times on Saturday that mentioned me and The Next Challenge Grant. You can read it here. At first, I was excited. It’s not every day that you get mentioned in a national paper and, even better, it plugged my grant. Then I got a bit annoyed. I thought the article…

  • Video of Walking Across Lake Baikal

    Earlier this year, Laura and I undertook an expedition to walk across the frozen surface of Lake Baikal in Siberia. It was a beautiful place. As well as taking lots of photos, we did some filming. Given that it took us four months just to edit the photos, however, we weren’t sure that we would…

  • Are You Capable of More Than You Realise?

    Early on Saturday morning, several groups of women (and a few men) gathered with their bikes at a range of locations across the UK. Their intention was to cycle 100 miles. Most of them had never cycled that far before. Many of them were not sure that they could. By the end of the day,…

  • List of Expedition Grants in 2017

    I try to keep an up to date list of every expedition grant, adventure scholarship and challenge bursary available in the UK. My latest list is published in brief below and full details can be found on my Sponsorship Resources page. It’s hard to keep track of them all though so I’d appreciate any help…

  • The Perfect Cycle Touring Stove

    Afte years of playing with camping stoves, writing lots of reviews and having recently given two talks on the topic of ‘The Perfect Stove for Cycle Touring’, I thought I should summarise my findings in a blog post. So, what is the perfect stove for cycle touring? That question is discussed in detail below with…

  • Expedition to Siberia: Crossing Frozen Lake Baikal

    Next month, Laura and I will be travelling to Siberia to walk across the frozen surface of Lake Baikal. Friends, family and colleagues often ask us what our next trip’s going to be. I don’t always have an interesting response but recently my answer’s been ‘Siberia’ and it has elicited a lot of intrigue. When…

  • Best of 2016

    Here’s a selection of the best bits from my blog last year along with the most read articles in 2016. [divide] Adventures we went on Laura and I had a good few small trips in 2016, some of which made it onto the blog. Look out for a bigger expedition early this year. Crossing Ibiza:…

  • 34 Things I Got Asked About in 2016

    I get emails from people asking for help with something adventure related all the time. It’s one of the best things about running this website. I’m often struck by the breadth of topics that get covered and a cursory look back through some of the messages I’ve received this year really highlights that. Here’s a…

  • I Think, Therefore I Can

    A couple of weeks ago, I (Laura) gave a talk in Leeds as part of the Pedalling Ideas festival, an event which celebrated bike-based ideas. I was there to represent The Adventure Syndicate, an organisation which aims to encourage people, particularly women and girls, to achieve more. Our mission is to inspire, enable and encourage,…

  • Crossing Ibiza: An EasyJet Expedition

    This time next week, Laura and I will be en route to our next expedition: walking across Ibiza. We’d been hatching big plans for a walking trip in Jordan. But it was a real pain trying to find flights that didn’t take forever and didn’t cost the earth. So, instead, we looked at where we…

  • Can You Help Build A Bamboo Bike?

    Kate Rawles is one of the many impressive people who form The Adventure Syndicate. She cycled across the United States to engage people in climate change and is now about to take on South America with biodiversity as her theme. But first she needs a bike… [divide] Can you help build a Bamboo bike for…

  • How To Get Ideas and Inspiration For An Adventure

    Some people have a very clear idea of the adventure they want to have and a specific plan for achieving it. Many others just have an urge to do something but are not clear what. This article will help the latter. After a a decade of going on expeditions and two decades of reading about…