Category: Living Adventurously
Cycle Touring Festival Tickets on Sale Today
Tickets for the Cycle Touring Festival went on sale this morning. You can buy them here. There are a limited number of discounted ‘Early Bird’ tickets available. They are already selling very fast as I write this at 9am. There’s a great programme of events and some really intersting speakers. Hope to see you there.
37 Round-the-World Cyclists Share Their Kit Lists
We’ve compiled kit lists from 37 different long distance cycle tourers and put them all in one place: here. The cyclists all come from the Database of Long Distance Cycle Journeys (LDCJ)* . Of the 139 trips registered, 37 of them have detailed kit lists available online and they’re all listed below. I’m sure you’re…
This Is What I Think About Adventurers
I recently sorted through some of my Opinion articles from over the years and drew out a few themes about expeditions and adventure. Here is a summary of my ethos with plenty of links… My strong view is that adventure need not require time, money or expertise. I don’t have a major beef with celebrity…
34% of All Cycle Tourers Use Internal Hub Gears
We surveyed 194 long distance cyclists to find out how popular internal (hub) gears are. Between them, the cyclists have completed 137 bicycle tours of 10,000km (6,000 miles) or more. Here are the results… [divide] Internal Hub Gears vs External Gears 46 out of the 137 journeys were completed using internal hub gears, 91 with…
Book Review: The Road Headed West by Leon McCarron
These days, Leon McCarron is a fully fledged, full time adventurer with a National Geographic TV series to his name and several big expeditions under his belt. However, in his new book – The Road Headed West – we meet a wonderfully inexperienced young Irishman setting out from New York on a woefully overloaded bicycle…
Solo travels as a woman in Africa and Asia: interview with Helen Lloyd
This interview is part of a series in which we interview certain people featured on the database of long distance cycle journeys (LDCJ), which records individual bicycle trips over 10,000km in length. For more details, click here. [divide] Helen Lloyd spent a couple of years cycling through Africa, tracing the west coast before heading through…
Base Camp Festival
This is a plug for a new adventure themed event starting next month: The Base Camp Festival. It’s in the Peak District on the weekend of September 5th-7th and organised by Explorers Connect, an excellent community for adventurers. Apparently, you can expect to: Spend much of the daytime doing outdoor activities with likeminded people or…
It F****** Bit Me!
A few years back, a young cycle courier rode his bike around the world faster than anyone before him. Lots of cyclists keep blogs of their journey but, for me, his stood head and shoulders above the rest for quality of writing. So I’m pleased to host another article from him today (the first sparked…