EuroVelo 6 in Photos

Sunflowers by the SeineWedding anniversaryEscargotRoute planningVive la FranceBathing spot in Burgundy
Enjoying the downhill after a surprise uphill slogBeastRural FranceEurovelo 6 by Baume les DamesShops were closed...The knitting cyclist
Crossing into SwitzerlandThe German area of BaselEurovelo route 6No cycling at this Base de LoisirsMore rural FranceBurgundy

Big Cycle Part 2: Paris to Basel, a set on Flickr.

Here’s a collection of photographs taken from our cycle between Paris and Basel, largely along the glorious EuroVelo 6 cycle route.

You can browse them on Flickr (which might be easier and/or look nicer) if you click any of the images.

We are heading on our way again this morning: south out of Switzerland into Italy and Milan. From there we will be roughly following the EuroVelo 8 cycle route all the way through Croatia, Montenegro and Albania to Greece.

There are some maps of the EV8 route will be following online here and here.


Photo Blogs

This photo blog is part of a series from our round-the-world bike trip. Here’s the rest of the series:


1. Palace to Palace Photos (Hampton Court to Versaille)

2. EuroVelo 6 in Photographs (France)

3. Pictures from Cycling Across Italy

4. Photos from the Croatian Coast

5. Albania Photos

6. Autumn Photographs of Greece

7. Photos of Turkey (the country, not the festive meat)

8. Photographs from Cycling Through Georgia in Winter

9. Ever wondered what Armenia looks like?



10. Inside Iran: Images from the Islamic Republic

11. Cycling Across Arabia Photo Diary (Dubai & Oman)

12. 15 Photos from India on Bicycles (+ Magnificent Moustaches)

13. Good cycling, great pictures (Korea)

14. Secret Photos from Japan

15. Best of SE Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand & Malaysia)

16. Kangaroos, Koalas and The Giant Lobster (Australia)

17. Photos of Middle Earth (New Zealand)



5 responses to “EuroVelo 6 in Photos”

  1. I would entreat you to enter Adventure Cycling’s bicycle travel photo contest. These are really great images. Details about the contest are here:

    In addition, my husband and I will be going to Europe to experience the EuroVelo system next spring. I haven’t picked which routes we’ll do yet but would love to know what conditions you found during your tour and what you would recommend for a short 2 week trip that would provide me with diverse routes (trails and roads mixed) and way-finding plus welcoming communities).

    Have a wonderful trip.

    1. Thanks Ginny. I’ve passed on the link to Laura who is responsible for the photos.

      We will probably follow EV8 for a month now so may be better informed by November but, so far, EV6 is the best cycle route I’ve ever followed. Well sign posted, largely traffic free, good surfaces and continuous over thousands of miles (I gather). France is also ideal for cycle touring: quiet roads, respectful drivers, good food (and cheap supermarkets) and easy wild camping.

      If you have any specific questions then please do email – [email protected].

  2. Neil Cousins avatar
    Neil Cousins

    Some really incredible photos guys. Keep up the effort. Amazed you’ve still got the energy to knit!

  3. If you travel at Eurovelo6 in Hungary the best choice for relax at Hotel Fonte in Győr.
    The hotel is halfway in between Vienna and Budapest. The hotel is easily accessible and has its own parking lot.
    In classical style and elegantly furnished comfortable guests rooms are available up to 50 people.
    In the restaurant you will find Hungarian and Mediterranean flavour.
    Other services for bikers:
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    Such a central location makes this Győr hotel perfect venue for miscellaonus events in the city. With the expert Fonte service and creative catering the Fonte Hotel and Restaurant is the best choice.
    More information:

    1. Thanks for the shameless plug!

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