Tag: How To

  • How To Make Your Own Ration Packs

    How To Make Your Own Ration Packs

    A step-by-step guide to making your own ration packs plus four recommended recipes from food blogger Holly Davies. I recently conducted a review of all the different dehydrated rations on the market. Dehydrated meals are really convenient but they’re expensive and don’t taste as good as normal food. However, it is quite possible to have…

  • The Secret To Making Sure Your Adventure Definitely Happens

    Over recent weeks and months I have listed all my favourite places for getting adventure ideas, described how to raise funds for an expedition or do one on the cheap, detailed how you plan the logistics of an expedition and explained why it might all be easier than you think. But none of that matters…

  • How To Get Sponsorship For Your Expedition

    This is a detailed article explaining how you actually go about getting sponsorship for an expedition. It covers the following topics: 1. Who’ll pay for your expedition? How likely is it that you’ll get sponsored? What is the magic solution? 2. Applying for grants Advice for completing grant application forms A comprehensive list of expedition…

  • How to Actually Plan an Expedition

    This article is a guide on how you actually go about planning an expedition. It’s easily the longest and most detailed blog post I’ve ever written. It will form the basis of a book next year so please do enjoy it while it’s free. [divide] Introduction When I posted a question on Facebook about how…

  • How To Get Ideas and Inspiration For An Adventure

    Some people have a very clear idea of the adventure they want to have and a specific plan for achieving it. Many others just have an urge to do something but are not clear what. This article will help the latter. After a a decade of going on expeditions and two decades of reading about…

  • How To Have An Adventure Without Spending Any Money

    The number one thing people ask me about is how to get MONEY for an expedition. And the number one reason for people not completing their expeditions has got to be MONEY. It need not be like that. By the end of this blog post I intend to show you how you can have an…

  • New eBooks Launched

    I’m very pleased to announce that I have launched a series of new ebooks today including: How To Cross A Desert How To Cycle Around The World How To Climb An Unclimbed Mountain How To Get To The North Pole [one_half] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [/one_half_last] They are based on chapters from my paperback ‘How to Get…

  • How To: Get to the South Pole

    THIS ARTICLE:  Details how you can complete an expedition to the South Pole. It gives a brief history of Antarctic exploration, explains the four different South Poles and how you find the ‘coast’ of Antarctic. It explores different options for getting there from the South Pole Race and Ice Marathon to Last Degree, skiing and…

  • How To: Sail the Seven Seas

    THIS ARTICLE: Explains how you can take a boat and explore the world’s oceans. There is a brief history of sailing followed by an explanation of the options available including sailing with a company, on a tall ship, as a crew member, in a round-the-world race or rally, and cruising independently. The likely difficulties are detailed,…

  • How To: Cross a Desert

    This guide tells you how to complete a desert crossing. It examines different methods such as on foot, by car, with camels or dragging a cart. Difficulties, like dehydration, sun stroke and spiders, snakes and scorpions, are examined and costs are broken down, before first steps are given to get you started. This article is…

  • Comparison of Book Publishing & Self Publish Options

    Now that I am an official “published author“, I often get asked about publishing and self-publishing options. I am a long way from being any kind of expert on the matter but I did do a little research before I found my publisher and thought that it might be useful to share what I found. Below…

  • How To: Row an Ocean

    THIS ARTICLE: Will explain how you can row across an ocean. It details different approaches such as entering a race, joining a team or going solo, and explains the different routes available. There is information about the difficulties you will face, the costs of undertaking such a project and the first steps to get you…