Tag: Expeds supported by Tim
No Plans for a While
Just a quick note to let you know that, due to “health reasons”, I won’t be planning any more projects for a while. That includes finishing our cycle from the Scilly to Shetland Isles and swimming the Thames. Hopefully I’ll be back soon. The blog will continue as normal. In other more exciting news: The…
Matt Baker Rickshaw Challenge (and other celebrity expeditions)
A couple of months ago I got a call from somebody at the BBC’s The One Show asking about riding a rickshaw long distance. I have to admit that I didn’t know what The One Show was but, after being as helpful as I could, I’ve since been brought up to speed and seen presenter…
Sarah Outen London to London Expedition Launch Tomorrow
At 1pm tomorrow, Friday 1st April, Sarah Outen will begin her two and a half year journey around the world from Tower Bridge, London. Departing by kayak from beneath the bridge, Sarah and Justine Curvengen will be paddling downstream along the Thames. Over the following three days they will make their way towards Dover before crossing…
One Small Piece of Advice… (Start Running)
I frequently get emails from people asking for help with their expeditions – it’s the reason I started this website and the reason there’s a big green button at the top right of your screen offering as much. More often than not, such conversations peter out and I never hear from the people again (with…
On Sakhalin, in Tokyo
At the end of last month I visited the far eastern Russian island of Sakhalin on a recce for Sarah Outen’s London to London: via the World expedition. I also hopped across to Japan too, though unfortunately not on the ferry I had planned to use. Here is the account I kept whilst out in…
Sakhalin, Hokkaido, Choshi, Muscat
I will be visiting a few new places in the next two weeks. By the time you read this, I will be in a plane somewhere over Siberia on my way to the island of Sakhalin. From there I’ll take a boat to Hokkaido, the north island of Japan, then fly down to Tokyo and…
Walking to Work… My Next Challenge by Ewan Laurie
This is the first in what I hope will be a long line of a new feature entitled ‘My Next Challenge’. Each month we’ll have a new person tell us about an upcoming adventure – what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, what they’re worried about and why they’re excited. I first met Ewan when…
Kaspersky Commonwealth Antarctic Expedition
I am very excited to announce that I have joined the UK Support Team for the Kaspersky Commonwealth Antarctic Expedition. For those of you not familiar with the project, here’s a synposis: About eighteen months ago, Felicity Aston came up with the idea of putting together a team comprised of women from different Commonwealth countries…
Coast-to-Coast photos
Here are some snaps from the triathlon I supported last month: If the window above doesn’t work then have a look here instead.
Fingers crossed for rain
Earlier in the summer, three students from my old university, UCL, set off to Vancouver Island for a spot of sea kayaking. As a member of the UCL Expedition & Travel Committee, I gave them a tiny steer in the right direction and, in return, they have kindly sent us this update from the field:…