Stories from winners of The Next Challenge Grant and my own adventures…
At 9pm I sent Tim a text. Just leaving the office. No rack”. In less than twelve hours, I was supposed to be cycling to Amsterdam. I hadn’t planned a route and hadn’t packed. The beautiful Carradice bag I had…
Win £1,300 for an Adventure (My Expedition Grant Just Trebled)
I am thrilled to announce that, thanks to the backing of Mark Beaumont, Al Humphreys and others, The Next Challenge Expedition Grant is now worth a whopping £1,200 £1,300. Apply here. How has this happened? First, I offered the £200…
Could You?
When I was at school, the “800 metres” was a long distance race. I coudn’t believe it when my friend told me he’d gone to the county games and witnessed “the fifteen hundred”. Could you really run that far? At…
Comparison of Gas Stoves
Review of over 50 of the best camping stoves. It includes ten of the lightest stoves in the world, various remote canister stoves and every all-in-one Jetboil-style stove on the market. There’s also an explanation of all the different types…
How I Fund My Expeditions
The heartbreaking hunt for sponsorship By far the most common query and perceived stumbling block for those planning an expedition is how to fund it. This normally manifests in a heartbreaking hunt for sponsors and a search for the golden…
100 People Just Gave £2 Towards Someone Else’s Adventure
At some point in the small hours of this morning, a final donor contributed £2 towards my expedition grant and pushed us over the line. We now have 100 backers, £200 from crowdfunding and £200 from me*. It’s a lovely…
Win a Free Pair of Keen Sandals
I’ve got a pair of Keen sandals to give away for free on my Facebook Page. The sandals in question are called ‘Uneek‘ (because the entire top half of them is made from just two pieces of cord) so to…
Help Crowdfund My Expedition Grant… TODAY!
Yesterday I opened applications for my expedition grant. Anyone is free to apply for the chance to win up to £400. Today, you can be a part of it. I am looking for 100 people to donate £2 towards the…
Applications for ‘The Next Challenge Expedition Grant’ Are Now Open
Applications for my expedition grant are now open. Details are below and you can apply here. But first, you may be able to help me… £200 of funding is already in place from my advertising revenue. However, I am also…
Help Me Launch Someone’s Adventure for Just £2
This week I am launching an expedition grant and I want you to be a part of it. I am inviting 100 people to donate £2 towards the grant. I will match the funds with £200 of my own money…
Why I’m Offering All My Advertising Revenue in an Expedition Grant
I wasn’t interested in adventure until one day I walked past a poster at my university which read: ‘Expedition grants for students’. 10 months later I was swinging two ice axes over my head, half way up a 6,000-metre peak…
Cycling to the Sea – Guest Blog by Anna Hughes
A guest blog today from Anna Hughes who was one of the speakers at the Cycle Touring Festival last month and who spent two months cycling around the coast of Britain. [divide] Cycling to the Sea – Guest Blog by…
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