Gas Canister Stoves

Comparison of Gas Stoves

What’s the best camping stove?

A review of over 50 gas canister backpacking stoves.

This guide includes ten of the lightest stoves in the world, various remote canister stoves and every all-in-one Jetboil-style stove on the market. They are all small, portable, gas stoves and mostly single burner. (For liquid multi-fuel stoves, see here).

There’s also an explanation of all the different types of gas canister along with adaptors so you can use all of them as well as a few handy accessories.

Updated March 2020



Click an image to jump or just scroll down to read on…


Gas Canister Stoves

1. Top Mount Stoves



Remote Canister Stoves

2. Remote Canister Stoves


All-in-One Stoves: Jetboil Zip

3. All-in-One Stoves



Pierceable (Puncture) Gas Canister Stove

4. Pierceable Canister Stoves


5. Family Camping Stoves


Gas Canister Adaptor: Pierceable to Screw-on

6. Accessories



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Types of Canister

There are several different types of canisters for camping stoves. You might like to read the canister guide before you get started. It also explains the adaptors that allow you to use different canisters.

[one_third]Gas Canister (butane/propane)[/one_third][one_third]Pierceable (Puncture) Gas Canister[/one_third][one_third_last]Aerosol (CP250) Butane Canister[/one_third_last]

Gas Canister Guide ➜



Reading in North America?

What you guys typically call canister stoves, in the UK we call gas stoves. Gas for us doesn’t mean gasoline, it just means not liquid/solid.

Gas Canister Stoves

USA = Canister Stove / UK = Gas Stove

Screw On (Threaded) Gas Canister

USA = Canister / UK = Gas Canister

Looking for a stove that burns gasoline/petrol, diesel and white fuel? Check out my Comparison of Liquid Multi-Fuel Stoves.



Gas Canister Stoves

Stoves that sit on top of a canister.

These camping stoves sit directly on top of a canister (as opposed to attaching to it remotely with a hose). Top mount camping stoves tend to be a little smaller, lighter and cheaper than remote canister stoves but are less stable, particularly with bigger canisters and pots.

The ultralight stoves (less than 100g / 4oz) come at a cost of being less stable for larger pots, having narrower ‘blow torch’ flames and usually more susceptible to wind.

Make Stove Weight Ounces Screw-on Easy-Clic Piezo Price US$
MSR Pocket Rocket 85g 3.0oz Yes No £27 $40
MSR Micro Rocket 73g 2.6oz Yes No £34 $60
Kovea SupaLite Titanium 56g 2.0oz Yes No £36 $32
Optimus Crux Lite 72g 2.5oz Yes No £32 $35
Primus Express Stove 82g 2.9oz Yes No £28 $38
Snowpeak LiteMax 54g 1.9oz Yes No $60
Vango Titanium Gas Stove* 44g 1.6oz Yes No £30 $38
Alpkit Kraku* 45g 1.6oz Yes No £20
Robens Fire Midge Titanium* 45g 1.6oz Yes No £25 $40
Campingaz Twister Plus 263g 9.3oz No Yes Yes £20 $29
Go System Venture 184g 6.5oz Yes No Yes £23 $48
MSR SuperFly 144g 5.1oz Yes Yes Yes £42 $65
Primus Express Stove Duo 124g 4.4oz Yes Yes No £34 $47
Primus Mimer / Yellowstone Classic 227g 8.0oz Yes No No £22 $20
Vango Compact Gas Stove 103g 3.6oz Yes No No £13 $19

Screw-on/Easy-Clic  = compatible canister types, Piezo = built-in lighter,
*These are all the same stove just with different brand names on. Vango just choose to report theirs as 44g rather than 45g.



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Buying online?

If you decide to buy a stove after reading this article, please do consider using one of my links.

If you do, at no cost to you, I will get a small percentage of whatever you buy. | Amazon.comAlpine Trek | Blacks | Cotswold | eBay | GO Outdoors | REI | Wiggle | AllOutdoor (10% discount code: thenextchallenge10)






Snow Peak BiPod - two legs, supported by canister

Stoves attached to a canister with a hose.

Unlike top-mounted stoves, remote canister stoves are free standing meaning they are more stable, particularly with bigger pots and canisters. As a result, they tend to be a little bigger and heavier.

Make Stove Weight Ounce Canisters Pre-heat Price UK Price US$
Alpkit Koro 124g 4.4oz Screw-on Yes £45 N/A
Go System Apollo Ti 304g 10.7oz Screw-on No £90 $124
Kovea Spider 168g 5.9oz Screw-on Yes £44 $49
MSR WindPro II 187g 6.6oz Screw-on Yes £81 $89
Optimus Vega 178g 6.3oz Screw-on Yes £62 $90
Primus Easy Fuel Duo 346g 12.2oz Screw-on / Easy-Clic Yes £61 N/A
Primus Express Spider II 200g 7.1oz Screw-on Yes £45 $94
Snowpeak BiPod 220g 7.8oz Screw-on No NA $90
Vango Folding Gas Stove 220g 7.8oz Screw-on No £21 $27
Trangia Gas Burner 180g 6.3oz Screw-on Yes £40 $63
Go System Adapt Stove 170g 6.0oz Screw-on No £24 $42
Pre-heat = tube that allows the gas canister to be used upside down and operates much better in cold conditions. Piezo = built-in lighter



All-in-One Stove: Jetboil Joule

Super efficient stoves with integrated pots

Started by Jetboil, these stoves are all-in-one units typically with a burner, heat sink, wind shield, piezo lighter and pot which all attach together.

The advantages are much faster cooking times and reduced fuel consumption. They’re also neat and tidy, with everything fitting inside the pot.

On the downside, they can be a little heavier, are less versatile and are sometimes only good for boiling water due to tall, narrow pots.

Make Stove Weight Capacity Size Piezo Simmer Notes UK Price USA Price
Alpkit BruKit 1,000ml 17 x 13cm Yes No
Alpkit BruKit Jackal 750ml 16 x 11cm Yes No
Alpkit BruKit Wolf 1,100ml 19 x 12cm Yes No
Jetboil Zip 800ml 17 x 10cm No No
Jetboil Flash 1,000ml 18 x 10cm Yes No
Jetboil MiniMo 1,000ml 15 x 13 cm Yes Yes
Jetboil Sumo 1,800ml 21 x 13cm Yes Yes
Jetboil Joule 2,500ml 20 x 17cm Yes Yes
Kovea Alpine Pot Wide 1,000ml 18 x 13cm Yes No
Kovea Alpine EZ Eco 1,000ml 18 x 13cm No No
MSR Reactor Stove 1,000ml 15 x 13cm No Yes
MSR Reactor Stove 1,700ml 19 x 15cm No Yes
MSR Reactor Stove 2,500ml 22 x 19cm No Yes
MSR WindBurner* 800ml 17 x 11cm No Yes
Optimus Elektra FE 950ml 17 x 12cm No Yes
Primus Lite 650ml 13 x 10cm Yes Yes
Primus Lite+ 650ml 15 x 10cm Yes Yes
Primus Lite XL 1,000ml 15 x 12cm Yes Yes
Piezo = built-in electric lighter

*AlpKit BruKit is also sold in Asia as the Fire Maple Star FMS-X1 Cooking System. MSR WindBurner was previously called the MSR WindBoiler. Wind Burner and Wind Boiler are exactly the same stove. Primus Lite and Lite Plus were previously called Primus Eta Lite and Eta Lite+.

For Imperial measurements (fluid ounces, ounces and inches), see the original source spreadsheet

Primus Lite+ Review

A beautifully crafted little stove that oozes quality and is perfect for one person. Read the Primus Lite+ stove review here

MSR WindBurner Review

A super-fast, wind proof stove that’s really well designed, save for a few rough bits around the edge. Read the full MSR WindBurner review here.

AlpKit BruKit Review (discontinued)

For £35 you get a full stove set up that does the job at under half the price of the competition. However, it’s a little cheaply made with a few elements of poor design.

The piezo lighter on mine had already fallen off when it arrived (and it’s design leaves that to easily happen), the stove unit is quite fiddly to get in and out of the pot, the attachment of the pot to the stove is quite sticky/stiff which makes it awkward to detach when full of boiling water, my neoprene cover started to burn and melt from the heat of the stove, and lots of 230g canisters won’t fit inside the pot at the same time as the stove unit. It’s more efficient than a regular stove/pot combination but much slower than JetBoil or MSR stoves.

Overall, the AlpKit BruKit is not in the same league as the MSR, Jetboil or Primus stoves. But then it’s not in the same price category either. It is a perfectly acceptable stove at a bargain price.

Discontinued September 2016. Replaced by the BruKit Jackal and BruKit Wolf.



Pierceable (Puncture) Gas Canister Stove

Stoves that use the old ‘puncture’ cartridges

Campingaz are the only big brand that still make pierceable canister stoves. If you want one, either try Amazon or Ebay (links below), or get one when you arrive in the country that still uses them (e.g. France). Better still, get an adaptor.

Manufacturer Stove Weight UK Price USA Price
Campingaz Camping 206 280g (10oz) £15 $33
Campingaz Bleuet 206 370g (13oz) £29 $29



Heavier stoves for vehicle camping or base camps.

There are hundreds of these big camping stoves suitable for families and base camps. I’ve just picked a handful as examples of what you can do with the different types of gas canisters available.

Manufacturer Stove Canister Weight Notes UK Price USA Price
Campingaz Bistro 300 Easy-Clic 1.5kg (3.3lbs) PZ £30 n/a
Campingaz Bivouac Easy-Clic 1kg (2.2lbs) PZ £34 n/a
Summit Portable Gas Cooker Aerosol 1.6kg (3.5lbs) PZ £12 $19
Primus Duo Twin 2B Screw-on 1.8kg (4lbs) Two burners £15 ! $70
Primus FireHole 100 16.4oz 5.9kg (13lbs) Two burners, PZ £190 $150



Here are a few extra bits and pieces that you might find useful with your camping stove. Windshields and ‘fire steel’ strikers, in particular, are really useful.


Camping Stove Accessory: Windshield


Canister stoves are very susceptible to wind. A cheap wind shield can make a big difference.

Buy on: Amazon.CO.UK / Amazon.COM



Camping Stove Accessory: Striker


They take a bit of practice but work when wet and last for thousands of strikes.

Buy on: Amazon.CO.UK / Amazon.COM



Camping Stove Accessory: Piezo Igniter

Piezo Lighter

Good if your stove doesn’t have one built in and you don’t like strikers.

Buy on: Amazon.CO.UK / Amazon.COM




Camping Stove Accessory: Hanging/Suspension Kit

Suspension Kit

Probably safest used with all-in-one stoves but hanging kits are now available from most stove manufacturers.

Buy on: Amazon.CO.UK / Amazon.COM





Camping Stove Accessory: Jetboil 'Crunchit' Recycler

Canister Cruncher

Throwing away canisters seems like a horrible waste. Jetboil make a little gadget so you can crush them then recycle.

Buy on: Amazon.CO.UK / Amazon.COM




Jump back to:

Top-Mount Stoves| Remote Canister Stoves | All-in-One Stoves

Pierceable Canister Stoves | Family Camping Stoves | Adaptors | Accessories


I hope you found that useful. Please do ask any questions below or let me know if I’ve missed anything.

You might like the other articles in this series: Gas Canister Guide, Comparison of Liquid Multi-Fuel Stoves, Bivvy Bags, Base Layer Materials and Camping Mats.



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Buying online?

If you decide to buy a stove after reading this article, please do consider using one of my links.

If you do, at no cost to you, I will get a small percentage of whatever you buy. | Amazon.comAlpine Trek | Blacks | Cotswold | eBay | GO Outdoors | REI | Wiggle | AllOutdoor (10% discount code: thenextchallenge10)





52 responses to “Comparison of Gas Stoves”

  1. Hi Tim

    Have just come across your blog and find it very informative and useful – thank you for taking the time to write it and sharing your experience and knowledge. I am currently looking for a stove to take with me on trips and do essentially two types of travel:

    i) I cross country ski tour – usually within the Arctic Circle – a couple of times per year
    ii) I trek mountainous routes in Europe during the summer, such as the GR20

    I therefore have a requirement for a stove that I can use in cold weather (-30 C is the coldest I’ve experienced) within a tent/snow shelter that is reliable and doesn’t require too much hassle and also for a stove that is reasonably light and efficient.

    I’ve been looking at the Optimus Ti, Optimus Polaris and the MSR Windboil. At the moment I’m even contemplating buying a multi fuel stove and a stove dedicated solely to boiling, is this necessary in your opinion? Have you any thoughts?

    Kind regards,


    1. Thanks Matthew. Good question. I presume you saw my Comparison of Multifuel Stoves too, right?

      Anyway, if you want something that doesn’t require too much hassle then I’d stick with gas or the Soto Muka multi-fuel which doesn’t require priming. Then since you want cold weather performance, get one with a pre-heat (PH) tube so you can invert the canister.

      That leaves MSR Windpro, Kovea Spider (tiny pack size), Primus Express Spider and the Optimus Vega. I suspect there’s not much difference between them. The two Spiders are notably cheaper and the Kovea one packs down really small.

      I hope that helps?

  2. Being something of a curmudgeonly old bugger who refuses point-blank to spend money where it needn’t be spent, I confess I’ve only ever purchased one stove (an ex-army Svea spirit stove). Served me very well for years, until I was taught by a Frenchman I met in bus shelter how to make the “coke can” stoves in two minutes flat with nothing more than a penknife. Nothing as complex as the one’s touted on Youtube, but thorough effective. I enjoy the speed, simplicity, and above all near-zero weight and ease of replacement in the nearest dustbin. There have been times though when I wished I had a pressure stove when mine constantly blew out in a gale. Anyway, good info, so thankyou.

    1. Thanks Graham. You’re not alone in swearing by the simplicity of spirit burning stoves. I did actually include the Svea 123R in my round up of liquid multi-fuel stoves here:

  3. What’s the best camping stove?
    A thorough review of over 50 gas canister backpacking stoves

    This article isn’t a thorough review – it’s merely a list, and it does nothing to help anyone determine which camping stove is the best.

    Just a disappointed reader pointing out the obvious…

    1. Thanks Rich. Sorry you were disappointed. I’ve found that there are often as many opinions as there are people so rather than just adding to the noise, I compile all the metrics for people to make up their own minds. Lots of people find it useful but evidently not all!

      1. You can’t please all of the people all of the time, Tim… but maybe calling a list a review doesn’t help! You’re right about the noise though – much of it is so-so, some of it utter hype or even recklessly inappropriate, and just occasionally there are valuable snippets in the smallest of detail. The latter is what I seek. We probably both know enough about stoves to make the right choice for our own circumstances but anyone unsure and looking to meet a particular need, say in fuel ability, safety, reliability, use at altitude or in the cold or a foreign land perhaps, wouldn’t get a heads-up from the article that’s all. I recently met a guy on Dartmoor who was looking for wood to use in his new and coveted gasifier stove without much success(!), and that shows the sort of advice some people need! I’m sure you have far more knowledge than is given in the article and I guess I was hoping for something like the wisdom of Andrew Skurka or similar. Never mind – I’ll get by – I bought my first stove in 1972 (a Trangia) and have several others to suit circumstances! Cheers for the prompt response and best wishes on your travels. RB

      2. Thanks Rich. I’d be happy to answer any questions or make suggestions if there’s something in particular you’re after but, from the sounds of things, you probably know more than me!

        I think the ‘list’ approach possibly worked better for multifuel stoves where it’s harder to find proper information.

      3. FWIW, I found it useful to have all the data in one place. Saved one heck of a Google session :-)

      4. Awesome, thanks Graham. That’s the idea. I don’t think there’s anywhere else you can find this information in one place.

  4. Matt Collis avatar
    Matt Collis

    Hi Tim

    I’m completely new to the idea of wild camping but am looking to buy my first stove for use on some weekend trips away and a week around Scotland (combination of bothy and wild camping). Although very helpful to have your full list of stoves, I found the article style for bivvy bags much easier to digest when making a decision on what to purchase. Given the above, what would you recommend for my situation?


    1. Hey Matt, thanks for the feedback. Bivvy bag are easier because there so few of them. With stoves, there are hundreds. It took ages to compile the information for this piece but perhaps there’s a better way I could present it.

      Anyway, in answer to your question, if it’s your first trip then I’d probably just get something cheap e.g. AlpKit Kraku. Unless you desperately need stability, tiny pack size or to save a few grams, they all do a similar job. Alpkit are a decent brand and the Kraku happens to be miniscule and really cheap.

      If that doesn’t sound right then let me know your criteria and we can look at some alternatives.

  5. I have tried the Camping 206 stove. It is really great in performance and cost.

    1. Thanks for the feedback!

  6. Alexander Pafatnov avatar
    Alexander Pafatnov

    Hi, Tim!

    I’m doing a thorough study on gas stoves/canisters/cookware (just to make my equipment better) so a few additions:
    The Snowpeak LiteMax is the same as Kovea Supalite (I have the Kovea one and believe the Koreans make the OEM for Snowpeak whoever they are).
    The Vango, Alpkit and Robens is in fact the Fire Maple FMS-300T (which is cheaper if you know where to look). The downside of such stoves is that their legs touch the pan in one point, not the whole leg. Doesn’t matter for a flat bottom like a steel mug but matters for heat exchange pots. Another problem is the small flame head that makes a small hot spot in the pot. Doesn’t matter for boiling but makes a difference for cooking.
    There’s another lightweight stove, the Fire Maple FMS-116T (known as Monatauk Gnat in USA). 47g, wider legs spread and more important – wider flame head. I consider buying one as my primary for summer time.

    The lightest stove known to me is a noname Chinese BRS-3000T weighing 25g and a cost of $11.
    As for remote canister I like the Fire Maple FMS-118 stove which has a preheat tube and is only 146g. Want to get it for cold conditions. I’ve got the Kovea Supalite working at -22C recently using my gas mixture but something more solid would be good to make an extra safe limit (temps can easily go to -30 and below).

    Hope it helps your article, nice compile!

    1. Hey Alexander, thanks so much for taking the time to share all of that. Really useful stuff.

      That BRS-3000T is really interesting. Seems to be available in the UK too (e.g. here on Amazon).

      Next time I run an update, I’ll try to include those Fire Maple stoves.

      If you publish an article with all of your research then please do come back and share the link.

      All the best,

  7. Hi Tim,
    I think the intro paragraph to the accessories section is incorrect, it’s just a copy paste from the adaptor section.
    Sorry, that’s all I’ve got to say ;-) Great resource thought.

    1. Ha! Thanks for pointing that out Matt. Not sure what happened there but duly updated.

  8. Patrick Larsen avatar
    Patrick Larsen

    Hi. Just a quick note that trangia also has the PH.

    Great overview!


    1. Thanks for the heads up Patrick. Duly updated!

      1. Patrick Larsen avatar
        Patrick Larsen

        It’s not worth it or i guess possible to put in all kinds of stoves one can find on the internet,
        but.. these Fire Maple gas stoves are interesting. I find them in all kind of stores, as rebrands or the selfes.
        Their fms-118 must be one of the lightest stoves with a PH, also their TI top mount is pretty light.


      2. Thanks Patrick. I’ve noticed Fire Maple coming up quite a lot myself. I wasn’t sure whether they were the original manufacturers or just another company re-branding products.

        The AlpKit stoves must be made by them (e.g. AlpKit BruKit = FireMaple Star FMS-X1).

        And, as you mentioned, their Hornet FMS-300T is the same as the Vango Titanium Gas Stove (and the Robens Fire Midge Titanium and Alpkit Kraku).

        It’s all fitting together!

      3. Patrick Larsen avatar
        Patrick Larsen

        Fire maple makes the Vango.

  9. So based on the fitting of the gas canister, I am safe to presume that the aerosol canister would be compatible with a different brand, e.g. Yellowstone gas 220g would fit a Campingaz stove (Camp Bistro 2)?

    1. Hi James, as far as I’m aware, the brands don’t have any impact on compatability. In other words, any brand should work with any stove.

      1. Thought as much, that’s great! Thanks.

  10. JungleJohn avatar

    If this has already been asked and answered, my apologies for missing it. I saw an adapter above for a 16.4 propane tank. Does this mean I could use a 16.4 oz canister tank of propane gas with something like an Optimus Polaris OPTIFUEL stove? I ask because I have several pieces of gear that use the 16.4 oz tanks.These tanks are cheaper in general and refillable as compared to the regular screw on-one time use canisters . Plus the 16.4oz is much more abundant and easier to find where I live. A 16.4 oz tank would not be my first choice, but only as a backup if I cannot obtain the smaller canister tanks. I know the Optimus will burn other types of liquid fuel, but given a choice between unleaded or diesel and a 16.4 propane tank, I would really prefer the cleaner burning characteristics of propane. Also I am guessing if I could indeed use propane tanks, the burn characteristics between propane and iso/butane canisters will take some fiddling to dial in.

    Regardless of the reply-THANK YOU once again for posting this wonderful site! You have answered so many of my questions and you always manage to put your answers into words my poor brain understands. The gear comparisons and reading your adventures traveling around the world deserve to be on the Best Seller list at any fine bookstore!

    1. Hey John,

      Thanks for the kind words.

      You can use the Kovea LPG Adaptor to attach a 16.4oz canister to stoves that use regular screw-on canisters. I’ve never actually tried the adaptor myself but, in theory, it will work with your Polaris.

      You can get the adaptor on Amazon UK here or Amazon USA here. Alternatively, in the UK, try their local importer: Mercator Gear.


  11. emma ese avatar
    emma ese

    Does your company produce portable stove with an impeller valve that allows natural air to flow and support combustion? Please reply, thanks.

    1. I’m not a company I’m afraid and I don’t make any stoves. I’m just a person that uses and reviews them.

  12. […] a link comparing gas burners and gas canisters that’s also comparing all in one […]

  13. […] Comparison of Gas Stoves […]

  14. […] been using an MSR WindBurner stove for almost two years now and, having tested many other all-in-one Jetboil style stoves, feel in a good position to write a […]

  15. Really useful article thanks.

    I’ve used Trangia for many years and am only on my third set, they’ve lasted over a decade each!
    I also have a compact that screws onto the top of gas canisters, making the canister the stove base. Useful for a quick boil of the Trangia kettle while fishing, but its not as stable a set up as i would like and restricted to one fuel source. Although there are aerosol adaptors i certainly wouldn’t like to balance a kettle on top. What i would like is a conversion kit that would allow me to have a separate base “feet” and a pipe to connect up to a can/aerosol . I’ve seen the adaptors, but not one with a hose or feet. Ideally i could pop it under the Trangia. i know i could buy the Trangia gas converter, but i was wondering if you know of any feet and hose kits for the screw on stoves or am i going to have to get creative or buy something else?

    1. Hi Gary,

      It sounds like you’re after a Trangia gas adaptor. Or did you mean something else?


      1. Something else… that converted my top mount burner into a remote one.

  16. Tom Brooke avatar
    Tom Brooke

    Very useful article. Many thanks. I recently bought one of these: Lixada Camping Gas Stove –
    I tried it in the garden and seemed to work in cold (about 3 C) and light wind, not tried out and about yet. Have you come across Lixada products, Chinese company making cheap outdoor equipment?

    1. Hi Tom,

      I’ve not come across Lixada before so thanks for the heads-up. It’s certainly got good reviews on Amazon and is very cheap at £15.

      Unlike multi-fuel stoves which are complicated and prone to problems, gas stoves are pretty simple things. So as long as they’re safe (and 155 reviews of the Lixada suggest it is) then I feel like you can’t go too far wrong.


  17. lunia boracay avatar
    lunia boracay

    I have a pierceable Campingaz stove and a few cartridges left (I live in the US where these cartridges are no longer available), is it safe to use these cartridges even if they are 20+ years old? I can buy more of these cartridges from a private seller via craigslist. Also, is there another brand of cartridges I can use interchangeably?

    1. Hi Lunia,

      I’ve not tried canisters that old myself but my understanding is that the gas itself won’t “go bad”, the risk is more that it would leak or the valves would degrade. However, I don’t think the piercable canisters have any valves; they are just sealed cylinders.

      There is some debate on the issue here:

      As for cartridges that can be used interchangeably, you should be able to use any brand of cylinder with any brand of stove, as long as they are the same type (e.g. piercable rather than screw-on).


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