Photos of Middle Earth

Here are some of our favourite photos from cycling across New Zealand’s North Island.

New Zealand is a beautiful place…

Looking over Lake Taupo
Cycling Around Lake Taupo
Hobbiton (near Rotorua)

As well as the nice views, it has some interesting Maori history…

Maori culture near Rotorua

They’ve got some great cycle routes, including old converted railway lines and the government is planning a path running the length of both islands.

Hauraki Rail Trail
Hauraki Rail Trail
Hauraki Rail Trail

There are wonderful places for wild swimming too (in hot water!)…

Taupo Spa Park

Kerosene Creek

…and you don’t necessarily need a swimming costume.


We had some great camp spots…
Camped near a road

…and some odd ones, like this slightly creepy shearing shed.
Shearing shed

We were even hit by a surprise snow storm…

Snow day

…and interviewed about it on national news (see the clip here, we’re on at 1 min 45s).
Interview with TV1

And by the end of it all, we’d crossed the 10,000 mile mark.

Passing 10,000 miles

See the rest of our New Zealand photos and all the others from our trip on Flickr.


Photo Blogs

This photo blog is part of a series from our round-the-world bike trip. Here’s the rest of the series:


1. Palace to Palace Photos (Hampton Court to Versaille)

2. EuroVelo 6 in Photographs (France)

3. Pictures from Cycling Across Italy

4. Photos from the Croatian Coast

5. Albania Photos

6. Autumn Photographs of Greece

7. Photos of Turkey (the country, not the festive meat)

8. Photographs from Cycling Through Georgia in Winter

9. Ever wondered what Armenia looks like?



10. Inside Iran: Images from the Islamic Republic

11. Cycling Across Arabia Photo Diary (Dubai & Oman)

12. 15 Photos from India on Bicycles (+ Magnificent Moustaches)

13. Good cycling, great pictures (Korea)

14. Secret Photos from Japan

15. Best of SE Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand & Malaysia)

16. Kangaroos, Koalas and The Giant Lobster (Australia)

17. Photos of Middle Earth (New Zealand)



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  1. […] 17. Photos of Middle Earth (New Zealand) […]

  2. […] 17. Photos of Middle Earth (New Zealand) […]

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