Polar Expedition Resources

Links and resources for Arctic and Antarctic expeditions



North Pole

How To Get To The North Pole

Online guide ➜

Download ebook ➜



South Pole

How To Get To The South Pole

Online guide ➜

Download ebook ➜




I’ve been fascinated by polar journeys for many years. I organised several Arctic expeditions for the British Schools Exploring Society and visited Svalbard a few times.

I’ve twice planned and researched polar expeditions, North and South Pole, which sadly never came to fruition. I also walked across the frozen surface of Lake Baikal in Siberia which, although not polar, is a similar environment.

Separately I supported the Kaspersky Commonwealth Antarctic Expedition and did a little work  for The Scott Expedition. Since then I’ve written a book called How to Get to the North Pole which also has a chapter on the South Pole





  • RGS Polar Manual – Absurdly thorough document on all aspects of polar expeditions which is free to download from this link.
  • Adventure Stats – Wonderful data on every full-distance polar journey in history.
  • Explorers Web – American website which is very hot on polar news. Some content isn’t available for free.


Polar People

Below are a list of people involved in polar expeditions. The ones nearer the top are the more active and/or those who maintain regular blogs.

Other polar adventures include: Matty McNair Helen TurtonSarah McNair, Robert SwanMike and Fiona ThornewillAnn Daniels, Hannah McKeandCharlie PatonJim McNeil and Pen Hadow.


[box type=”tip” head=”Want to join a polar trip?”]Newland expeditions run North and South Pole expeditions, Greenland traverses and polar training trips in Scandinavia. Mention my name, Tim Moss, if you contact them.

[button color=”green” link=”http://newland.no/index.php/en/” target=”_blank” font=”arial” align=”center”]Visit Newland website[/button][/box]


Polar Companies

Here are a few companies that offer guided expeditions:

  • Adventure Network International (ANI) – The main company for anything down in Antarctica. Twinned with Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE).
  • Newland – These guys run North and South Pole expeditions, training trips in Scandinavia, Greenland traverses and other expeditions including Kilimanjaro and Elbrus. My friend Helen Turton is the UK Expedition Manager. Mention my name, Tim Moss, if you contact them.
  • The Polar People – Less extreme Arctic Holidays from Sarah and Jim Meyer, including sailing, photography and art.

There are lots of companies you can find easily on Google. If you can recommend others or would like your company listed, just email me.




Call of the White

I was UK Support for this South Pole expedition.

Race to the Pole

Entertaining account of Cracknell and Fogle’s race.


Pen Hadow – Solo

The North Pole alone and unsupported

Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know

Fiennes’ autobiography sold me on the idea of a life of adventure…



Worst Journey in the World

Widely considered the best in polar writing.

The Endurance Expedition

South: Shackleton’s legendary Antarctic odyssey.




How to Get to the North Pole & How to Get to the South Pole



How To Get To The North Pole



How To Get To The South Pole



“The perfect resource” – Bear Grylls

“An excellent book” – Sir Ranulph Fiennes

“The bible for polar planning” – Conrad Dickinson, Polar Explorer



[button color=”blue” link=”http://thenextchallenge.org/books/” size=”big” fontw=”bold” textcolor=”#fff” align=”center” radius=”3″]Click here to get a copy ➜[/button]
