Category: Tim’s Adventures
Cycle Touring on Shetland
We spent nine days cycling the length of Shetland with our two young children last summer as part of a five week tour of Scotland. This is Laura’s account of our time at top of the UK… Famous for ponies, puffins and knitting, Shetland is a popular destination for bird spotters and wildlife watchers. However,…
Cycling to Shetland
Nine years ago, Laura and I set out to cycle from the Scilly Isles to the Shetland Islands. Next month, we will finally complete the journey. In 2012, as training for our planned round-the-world cycle, Laura and I planned to ride the length of the UK. However, two days into the trip I had a…
Cycling to the Åland Islands with a baby
Last summer, Laura and I spent a month cycling up the Baltic coast towards the Aland Islands: Scandinavia’s answer to the Hebrides. Accompanying us for his first long tour was our son, nine months old at the time, towed behind me in a trailer. We did the journey there and back by ferry and train…
Walking Across Frozen Lake Baikal
As we lay swaddled in our tent, a loud rumbling noise echoed around us. For several seconds it seemed the world was collapsing beneath us, until a decisive cracking sound ended the show, and we breathed again. A couple of years ago, Laura and I spent a week walking across a frozen Siberian lake. Here…
Hiking the Year: Walking 2,019 Miles in 2019
When I started going on expeditions, I was a student and had all the time in the world for travelling over the long summers. I disappeared to Central Asia for a month, around the world for two months and the Americas for 10 weeks. Then I got a job (and a wife with a job),…
Cycling Across Denmark While Pregnant
Meandering down the banks of the Elbe on a sunny May morning, we were surrounded by cyclists of all tribes. Parents and children rode next to old men on novelty bikes. Lycra-clad women flew past at speed as young couples gossiped on sit-up-and-begs. Commuters picked their way through the crowds, while my husband Tim and…
EasyJet Expedition #2: Moroccan Mountains
Three years ago, Laura and I walked across Ibiza and called it an “EasyJet expedition”. The idea was to do a trip somewhere you wouldn’t normally associate with adventure (Ibiza = clubbing, right?) and somewhere that you could get to easily and cheaply by budget airline. It was a great trip. I loved the illicit…
Cycling to the Åland Islands (via the Baltics)
Laura and I are currently on our way to the Baltics and the Aland islands on a cycling trip. You can see our very rough route plan on the map above. Two things are making this trip more interesting for us: 1) We are travelling “overland” the whole way, on trains and ferries. No flights.…
Why Tyre Dragging is the Perfect Preparation for Parenthood
When I was a care-free bachelor, I used to spend my spare time dragging tyres: Ostensibly, this was in preparation for a North Pole expedition which never happened. But really I think I just liked hard physical labour. After getting married, my wife and I started spending our spare time dragging tyres: Although, we were…
Down to My Last Box of Books
Warning: This article is a shameless attempt to get you to buy one of my books for Christmas. I published my second book earlier this year – With the Sun on Our Right – about the people my wife and I met while cycling around the world. When I looked in the garage on the…
How Did You Decide What to Leave Out? (How I Wrote My Book)
My friend Kate Rawles, author of The Carbon Cycle, is in the process of writing her second book (details here). While doing so, she has been reading mine. And that prompted her to ask about my writing process: “…have finally started reading your book and am really enjoying it. It’s a very engaging, clear style.…
Why I Quit Being an Adventurer to Become an Accountant
Last month, I qualified as a Chartered Accountant. After three years and 15 exams, I am now chartered in my chosen profession. You will note that my profession is not “adventurer”. I don’t actively portray myself as a full-time adventurer. A cursory glance at my LinkedIn profile would reveal that I have “a normal job”…