Tag: Expert Top Tips

  • Chore Hacking: The Adventurer’s Household

    It’s not uncommon for me to receive offers of guest blogs but they don’t usually come from home improvement experts. George’s pitch on ‘chore hacking’ for adventurers really tickled me so today I’m handing over the blog to man in lifestyle design…   Adventurer’s Household – Chores Hacking Top 10 Tips to Save Time, Money…

  • 10 Tips for Filming Your First Expedition

    This article is part of a series in which experts in their field share their top ten tips. Today’s advice comes from Leon McCarron who’s excellent documentaries have featured on National Geographic and been reviewed on this website. You can see the rest of the 10 Tips series here. [divide] 10 Tips for Filming Your…

  • 10 Tips for Trekking the Inca Trail

    A guest post with advice for walking the Inca Trail courtesy of Helene from Dragoman. [divide] Ten tips for trekking the Inca Trail The Inca Trail is one of the world’s most amazing treks, taking you across the unspoilt Peruvian Andes, through some of the globe’s most beautiful mountainous terrain, stopping on the way to…

  • 10 Tips For Your First Science Expedition

    James Borrell shares his top tips for science, research and fieldwork on expedition. “The urge to explore a wilderness is inseparable from the desire to help save it.” – Michael Fay 10 Tips for your First Science Expedition 1. Embrace Your Inner Scientist I’d like to start by busting the myth that you need to be…

  • 10 Tips For Your First Cycle Tour

              Some time ago I received an email from a chap called Markus, saying that he was thinking about quitting his job to cycle from Germany to Africa. I get emails like that quite a lot but this one was made more memorable by the fact that, some months later, I got a…

  • 10 Ways to Improve Cold Water Tolerance

    Cold water swimming is something I’ve written about before, particularly with regards to its health benefits, but here are a few tips for acclimatising to cold water, adapting to the icy water and improving tolerance for those winter swims: Get regular swimming exposure in cool or cold water. The more you do it, even if…

  • 10 Tips for Your First Sea Kayaking Expedition

    Today we are very lucky to have sea kayaking legend Justine Curgenven from Cackle TV offering advice for anyone considering an expedition by sea kayak. As well as having kayaked around Kamchatka, Tasmania, Tierra del Fuego and Wales (and across the English Channel with me vomiting from a nearby boat) amongst other places, Justine is the pre-eminent sea kayaking film-maker…

  • 10 Tips for a North Pole Expedition

    While researching my book, I contacted lots of different explorers and adventurers and asked them to contribute a top tip in their given field. It was impossible to include all of them in the book however so I will publish some of the extra ones on this website. These ten tips come from Charlie Paton…

  • 10 Tips For Your First Running Expedition

    THIS ARTICLE: Is written by Mark Cooper who has spent 24 hours on a treadmill, set a record for running the length of Hadrian’s Wall and run from Amsterdam to Barcelona. That last trip saw Mark run 1,300 miles in eight weeks. Here he shares some advice for anyone considering a long run… 1. Destination…

  • 10 Tips For Your First Hitch-Hiking Expedition

    THIS ARTICLE: Is written by Steve Dew-Jones, author of ‘The Rule of Thumb’, an account of a hitch-hiking journey from Salisbury to Malaysia with only two rules: Never pay for transport and never refuse an offer. Here is Steve’s advice for anyone planning their first hitch-hiking trip… [divide] 10 Tips for your First Hitch Hiking…

  • 10 Tips For Your First Walking Expedition

    THIS ARTICLE: Is written by Andy Ward who walked 3,300 miles from London to Asia in 2004 with only two days’ planning. Andy is an adventurer, photographer and professional expedition manager currently working on the Scott2012 Antarctic expedition. Today he shares with us his top tips for anyone planning a long walk… 1.  Don’t over plan…

  • 10 Tips For Your First Skateboarding Expedition

    In 2006 Dave Cornthwaite became the first person to skateboard the length of Britain. His 900-mile journey from John O’Groats to Lands End was a warm-up for a much more ambitious skate, a 3618 mile crossing of Australia from Perth to Brisbane, which at the time was the longest journey ever travelled by skateboard. Here…