Tag: Cycling Around the World

  • The Worst Visa Office in the World?

    We followed the muddy red track towards a tin hut where a long, drooping, orange and white barrier blocked our path. With Vietnam being almost entirely devoid of four-wheeled vehicles, we simply joined the motorbikes in skirting around the barrier on a well worn patch of dirt and some moments later it became apparent that…

  • The Dogs in Greece

    The sun was high and so was morale as we cruised side by side on the current of a tailwind. We were in Greece, on bikes and life was good. Good, at least, until a hand gesture changed everything. Laura spotted it before me. This wasn’t the first such encounter – in fact, they were…

  • Update from South East Asia

    Update from South East Asia

    After the efficiency and obsessive cleanliness of Japan, it was with a certain amount of trepidation that we entered Vietnam. I’d wanted to come here for years, but wondered whether the craziness of the traffic and the inevitable attention we’d get as a couple of white cyclists would make it too stressful to enjoy the…

  • 15 Photos from India on Bicycles

    We spent a month cycling across India in March and April this year. Here are a selection of snaps. You can see the whole album on Flickr. [divide] Taking bikes on public transport is a pain but it does at least lead to lots of conversations with locals. It was nice to be bike-free tourists…

  • Watch our 90-second video of cycling across South Korea and Japan

    An East Asian bicycle utopia in 90-seconds. Watch our latest video from cycling across Korea, from Seoul to Busan, and through Japan. It’s below or you can see it on YouTube. Things to look out for in this month’s video: Us bivvying out in central Seoul. Successfully coordinating a high-speed high-five whilst cycling. Getting our…

  • Korea: Good cycling, great pictures

    Korea provided some of the best cycling of our trip but it also seems to have turned up some of the best images (and I am allowed to say that because Laura takes almost all of the photos). Here are what I think are the highlights: [divide] Farmer working the fields South Korean cycle path…

  • 8 months, 10,000km and Half Way There

    We started cycling last August and aim to be back this Christmas which means that, last month, we reached the half way point of our trip: 8 months in. We also clocked 6,000 miles on our odometers, 10,000km. This means that we have at last qualified for our own database: Long Distance Cycle Journeys (LDCJ). We…

  • Escape from India: The Movie

    Those of you that have followed this blog in recent weeks will know that we’ve been having a good whinge about our time in India. The rose tinting of hindsight has already made it start to seem like a month of humorous chaos. Hopefully this 60-second film will convey some of the madness. Highlights include…

  • Why are there no water buffalo in South Korea?

    They weren’t on the baggage carousel and Oversized Baggage seemed dormant. I found someone official looking and used gestures to indicate that we were looking for two bicycles. He radioed a friend, turned and waved. At the other end of the baggage haul were two more officials waving back at us holding what looked distinctly like…

  • Your name in lights! (for a donation to our charity)

      Ever fancied having your name in lights? Well, now you can. Make a donation to our charity – JDRF – in the month of May and we will produce a personalised photograph of your name, as in the image above, as a thank you.  JDRF funds research to find a cure for Type 1…

  • India: land of the magnificent moustache

    Facial hair has become quite a feature of our bike ride. Not mine, I hasten to add, but Tim’s, with his bushy ginger beard attracting an enormous amount of attention wherever we go. In India, many people greet him by asking ‘Ali Baba?’ and since Turkey, he has been asked countless times if he’s Muslim.…

  • Better Call Seoul: Escape to South Korea

    This evening, providing all goes well getting the bikes onto the aeroplane, we should be flying to South Korea. We decided that what we needed in the middle of this extended cycling holiday was, well, a cycling holiday. Our plan is to cycle from Seoul to Busan along the network of dedicated cycle lanes, developed…