Tag: Sponsorship
We’ll Give You Money For Your Adventure If…
The Next Challenge Grant gives money to people with good a idea for an adventure. We’re particularly keen to help those who haven’t done much of this sort of thing before. However, as well as awards for general adventure ideas, there are some extra funds available for specific things. Extra money may be available for…
Meet The People Giving Away Their Money For Someone Else’s Adventure
If you have an idea for an adventure then you should apply for my grant now. I call it ‘my’ grant but I only fund a fraction of it myself. Most of the money comes from other people. There are nine adventurers (people) who are each giving between £100 and £200 towards the grant. I…
Why Giving Away All My Advertising Revenue Was The Best Thing I Ever Did
I set up this website to help people go on adventures. I hope that it’s been doing that in some way for each of the seven years that I’ve been running it. But, even if it hadn’t been useful for all of that time, I know for a fact that in 2015 it helped at…
How To Have An Adventure Without Spending Any Money
The number one thing people ask me about is how to get MONEY for an expedition. And the number one reason for people not completing their expeditions has got to be MONEY. It need not be like that. By the end of this blog post I intend to show you how you can have an…
Win Everything You Need To Cycle Around The World
Anyone can cycle around the world. There are 121 people that have done it here. And 311 who have done it here. Not everyone has a nice bike though. Or panniers. Or fancy clothing. Or a tent, sleeping bag, camping mat, tools, cookset etc etc etc… You don’t necessarily need to have those things but…
£1,000 Expedition Grant Up For Grabs (not from me this time)
Adventurer Sean Conway is offering up to a thousand pounds for anyone with a good adventure idea. You should apply. It’s called the #FindYourBeard Scholarship – a reference to bold challenges rather than anything to do with facial hair. Although, of course, Sean’s expedition beard is amongst the very best in the business: The scholarship…
This is What People Said When I Told Them They’d Won/Not Won My Grant
Over the last few weeks I have sent a lot of emails. 1,300 people applied for our expedition grant and I’ve been in contact with them all. Crudely, my emails have either said ‘Congratulations, you have won’ or ‘I’m very sorry but your application wasn’t successful’. And, as you’d imagine, I’ve had quite a range of responses.…
And The Winner Is… Announcing The 2015 Next Challenge Expedition Grant Winners
I have just finished sending emails to all of those who were shortlisted for our expedition grant. I had 32 responses from the short list and I would have happily funded them all if I could. But we only had limited funds. And, as such, we’ve chosen one big winner and nine smaller winners. I’ve got to…
Email Sent to those Unsuccessful in Applying for My Expedition Grant
Dear applicant, I am afraid your application for The Next Challenge Grant has not been successful. We had over 1,300 applications and it just wasn’t possible to support them all. As someone who has been rejected by many grant applications myself, I know how disappointing it can feel… But it shouldn’t. In dreaming something big…
Over 1,000 People Applied For My Expedition Grant
On Wednesday night, applications for The Next Challenge Expedition Grant closed. At that time, well over a thousand different people had submitted applications. One thousand! When I announced the idea a couple of months ago I never thought it would be this popular. But then I wasn’t sure if I’d get 100 backers for it…
Win £1,300 for an Adventure (My Expedition Grant Just Trebled)
I am thrilled to announce that, thanks to the backing of Mark Beaumont, Al Humphreys and others, The Next Challenge Expedition Grant is now worth a whopping £1,200 £1,300. Apply here. How has this happened? First, I offered the £200 that my website made in advertising last year. Then, 100 people each threw in £2…
How I Fund My Expeditions
The heartbreaking hunt for sponsorship By far the most common query and perceived stumbling block for those planning an expedition is how to fund it. This normally manifests in a heartbreaking hunt for sponsors and a search for the golden ticket that will make it happen. Sometimes people get lucky but 99 times out of…