Tag: Stories
The Launch – 80 Ways Diary #4
I have to admit to being more than a little reluctant to depart. All my friends and family had gathered to see me off, I was at home, and everything was safe. But the reason they had all come to this place was to see me start my journey–my epic expedition to travel the world.…
Telegraph Photo Shoot – 80 Ways Diary #3
It’s probably fair to say that I was taking the lion’s share of the organisational responsibilities for the trip. Thom was doing a lot, but most things tended to go through me, so when Thom got off the phone and told me that a photographer was heading our way, I was pleasantly surprised. After a…
The Embassy Run – 80 Ways Diary #2
Given that we are travelling the whole way round a world composed of nearly 200 different countries, I suppose I should be grateful that we only required three visas for our trip. But having just spent four and a half hours queuing outside the Russian embassy when there are less than 48 hours before we…
An Idea is Born – 80 Ways Diary #1
University College London gives out grants to people who can come up with expedition ideas crazy enough to get their attention. In my first year, I teamed up with my new friend Thom and hatched a plan to go to Kyrgyzstan and climb some mountains. We failed dismally in reaching the tops of any peaks…
How to have an adventure for £100 – Part 4
“Which way is it to the town centre?” “Sadly it’s a full 4 miles to the city, sir” “Nothing to be sad about!”, I thought, and set off into the cold darkness of morning on my way to Dublin. After ninety minutes of walking, I still hadn’t warmed up and most shops were still closed.…
How to have an adventure for £100 – Part 3
“Ready?” “Yes”, she replied, “No! Wait. What’s the plan? Are we actually swimming?” “Full submersion. Anything else is a bonus”, I replied and ran excitedly into the sea. I’m glad there was no one else around because I suspect our screaming would have caused no small amount of alarm. It was cold by any measure…
How to have an adventure for £100 – Part 2
I knew I shouldn’t have gone to M&S. As wonderful as the instant hit of savoury food had been yesterday in contrast to morning of biscuit bingeing, I had now discovered a food stuff that was worse for transporting in a rucksack than bananas: houmous. ‘Mushy Chickpea Rucksack Surprise’ aside, I was feeling good. I…
How to have an adventure for £100 – Part 1
This is a low point. I’m entering the third hour (or is it fourth now?) of standing at the side of the road with a thumb out and a sign saying ‘Cardiff?’ – as optimistic as the expression on my face each time I car turns the corner. This isn’t even an adventure, let alone…
Así Es La Vida (Part Two) – Guest Blog: Andy Ruck
My friend Andy Ruck has just had his first book – Así Es La Vida – published and has very kindly offered me an extract for this website. The first instalment went up last week and the second is below. Moments later a police truck screeched to a halt in the dust and out jumped Pedro Ortiz, a…
Así Es La Vida (Part One) – Guest Blog: Andy Ruck
My friend Andy Ruck has just had his first book – Así Es La Vida – published and has very kindly offered me an extract for this website. To set the tone, I could tell you that Andy has spent the last six years in Scotland with brief and not-so-brief forays into the Alps, Norway, Spain,…
A Thousand Tiny Ants
I’m lying on my back, awake in bed with my mind wide open. Whatever it is, it courses my body invigorating the very nerve fibres of my being. And with it a thousand tiny ants dance across the skin’s surface, their minute legs tickling me to excitement and a new level of alertness. It is…