Dishdashas and Dates – 10 things I’ll miss about Oman

Walking in the Dhofar Mountains

Tonight I fly back to the UK after five wonderful months in Oman. It makes me sad to think of all the things that I will miss about this country. Here are ten of them:

  1. Dishdashas – Worn by almost every Omani in Muscat, 90% of them white and invariably combined with a taqiyah
  2. Wadis – Technically they’re just dry river beds but when did technicalities ever do something justice? Wadis are the corner stone of Outdoor Oman and home to some of its best scenery and wild swimming.
  3. Car Horns – The frequent honks annoyed me until I realised the drivers were smiling and waving, the sight of a walker/cyclist/fellow road user still novel enough to warrant a greeting
  4. Goats in the street – Roaming freely, occasionally joined by a wandering camel or the ominous presence of a wadi dog
  5. Packing the car on a Thursday night – Our weekends were Friday-Saturday. The country is packed with outdoor destinations and camping is easy in the this climate. As such, finishing work on a Thursday was invariably followed by loading the car with a tent, food, lots of water and a pair of hiking boots or a bicycle.
  6. Sultan Qaboos – The ruler of Oman who celebrated his 40th year at the top shortly after we arrived. He is almost universally loved with photographs, posters and placards adorning everything from shops to cars to highways.
  7. The ex-pat community – A small group in a far flung place, the close-knit community of expatriates has been wonderfully welcoming providing an instant feeling of belonging that’s harder to achieve in the metropolis of a city like London.
  8. Not having to think about what to wear – A t-shirt has provided sufficient warmth every single day for the last five months
  9. The desert – I have seen nothing like it outside of a cinema. Captivating and other worldly. The sight of one of my favourite ever adventures.
  10. Dates – Nature’s toffees. Prolific and delicious.


One response to “Dishdashas and Dates – 10 things I’ll miss about Oman”

  1. May I add the smells – whether it’s frankincense burners; the strong perfume everyone wears; roasting shwarma; grilled sardines; or the sweet smoke of shisha pipes. Oman is fragrant.

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