I set off today with a rucksack and a hundred pounds to have an adventure.
Too often we restrict ourselves, hold back on our dreams or rein in our aspirations with the perceived constraints of the world – time, commitments, lack of expertise or knowledge, money.
I, like everyone else, fall foul of this on occasion and I caught myself doing just that as I entered the new year – “I can’t go away on an adventure because I don’t have any money”. But how could I continue to fill these pages with calls to action if I myself live in the very shackles to which I wave the key?
And so I am setting off on a low budget adventure. £100 is what I have – a laughable amount for a lot of great expedition budgets and a vast sum to many other people.
You can read more about my objectives and follow my progress in the window above (or on Twitter).
You can turn off your monitor and have a think about what’s holding you back from your next adventure, your next step. Is the constraint genuine or is it something you can work around if you really put your mind to it?
What do you think? Please do add your thoughts below…